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News: New Defra funding to champion local food

Communities and regions are invited to apply to a fund which aims to build a 'network of new foodie trails'
Sustain | Friday 22 July 2016

News: Government awards for hi-tech approaches to food sustainability

Weed-killing robots and sensors that can reduce food waste are among the projects to have shared £16 million of funding for innovative food technologies
Sustain | Friday 22 July 2016

News: EU cash boost for struggling dairy farmers

The European Commission has announced a €500 million aid package to tackle the unprecedented crisis in the EU’s dairy and livestock sectors  
Sustain | Friday 22 July 2016

News: Calling future smallholders

The Ecological Land Co-operative is asking anyone interested in farming one of their plots to complete a survey -- with a chance to win free tickets to the Oxford Real Farming Conference
Sustain | Friday 22 July 2016

News: World Vegetarian Day, 1 October 2016

Time to start planning for this year's global celebration of all things animal-free  
Sustain | Friday 22 July 2016

News: Busting a few common myths about Fairtrade

Sustain member the Fairtrade Foundation has produced an Information Sheet to rebut some common criticisms
Sustain | Friday 22 July 2016

News: Rose vouchers for fruit and vegetables win Lottery funding

A grant of £50,000 will allow the Rose Vouchers scheme to expand its work from the London boroughs of Hackney and Lambeth to another town or city 
Sustain | Friday 22 July 2016

News: Policy makers must act to reduce energy drinks consumption by children and adolescents

UK policy makers must act against excessive energy drinks consumption by children and young people, argues a new report published by the Food Research Collaboration, an initiative of the Centre for Food Policy (City University London). The paper, written by Dr Shelina Visram (Durham University) and Kawther Hashem (Action on Sugar), reviews worldwide evidence of the impact of energy drinks on health, and suggests possible measures for local and national authorities in the UK.
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 21 July 2016

News: Former EU Fisheries Chief: UK setting its own catches ‘Does not make sense’

Maria Damanaki, the former EU commissioner for fisheries, described Britain’s plan to set its own catch levels and control waters an ‘illusion’, thanks to Britain’s geographical position and reliance on the EU for trading fish.
Sustainable Fish | Thursday 21 July 2016

News: It’s time to share your Urban Food Fortnight event details

London Food Link is excited to announce that the Urban Food Fortnight events map is now live! People adding their events now will have the chance to appear in The Jellied Eel, the good food magazine read by more than 40,000 Londoners.
Urban Food Fortnight | Wednesday 20 July 2016

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

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Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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