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Recipie: Helen Underwood’s pitta

Flatbread pockets that can be made with strong or plain flour.
Real Bread Campaign | Friday 27 March 2020

Page: Food parcels for clinically extremely vulnerable people

How can we support 1.5 million medically vulnerable people to get the food they need to be able to shield? 
Coronavirus Food Alert

News: Where can I buy flour?

Looking to score some of the white stuff, or a bit of brown? You’re not alone.
Real Bread Campaign | Friday 27 March 2020

News: Sustain calls on government to halt US trade talks to focus on Covid-19

Sustain, along with a group of other charities and campaigning groups has written to the government today, calling on them to halt trade negotiations with the United States in favour of focusing on the health and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Better Food Britain | Thursday 26 March 2020

Page: Coronavirus & community gardens

Throughout the Coronavirus crisis the Capital Growth team has been supporting its members and gardens to continue to grow food where possible, as well as gathering and providing latest updates and practical resources.
Capital Growth

Page: Coronavirus update for community gardens

As the Coronavirus crisis dominates the national and global landscape, the Good to Grow team are reaching out to members' projects and gardens to see how we can support as many of you as possible to continue to grow food.   
Good to Grow

News: Real Bread bakers' letter to the PM

Letter emailed to the UK Prime Minister on 25 March 2020
Real Bread Campaign | Wednesday 25 March 2020

News: Government must now strengthen free school meal guidance, say charities

The Children's Food Campaign and other charities are calling on Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education, to address continued insecurity over free school meals for vulnerable children during this lockdown period.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 25 March 2020

Page: Learning from other places

We need to learn from other places affected by Covid-19 coronavirus, and those who are inherently better prepared to ensure everyone is resilient to food shocks. We are looking at how other countries and jurisdictions are tackling the challenges of keeping everyone supplied with sufficient food during this pandemic.
Coronavirus Food Alert

Blog: Five ways to support our farmers in the time of Covid-19

How is the current crisis affecting British farmers and growers, particularly the smaller farm business sector? Are they getting the support they need to feed the population? A quick look at the top issues and five ways you can support our farmers and growers. *** updated with new information and see the latest Sustain Covid-19 issues pages here ***
Coronavirus Food Alert | Tuesday 24 March 2020

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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