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News: Response to Curry Policy Commission on Future of Farming and Food

Sustain | Monday 1 October 2001

News: Organic Action Plan launch

Government's lack of organic strategy hampers UK farmers - Organic Action Plan launched
Sustain | Tuesday 28 August 2001

News: An outline Organic Action Plan for England

Sustain | Tuesday 28 August 2001

News: Organic myths busted in new report..

A new report which aims to counter the myths spread by the opponents of organic food and farming is published by the Soil Association, the leading organic campaigning and certification body and Sustain, the alliance for better food and farming. The report is endorsed by 36 public interest groups ranging from the National Federation of Women's Institutes to WWF-UK.
Sustain | Wednesday 8 August 2001

News: Myth and Reality - Organic vs Non-organic : The Facts

Sustain | Wednesday 1 August 2001

News: Co-op's commitment to UK organic farmers welcomed

Sustain | Saturday 2 June 2001

News: Labour Manifesto Fails on Organics

Sustain | Wednesday 16 May 2001

Reports: Children's Nutrition Action Plan 2001

The Children's Nutrition Action Plan resulted from a roundtable seminar of children's health experts, convened in 2001 to review what policies would be needed to control the rising epidemics of diet-related disease prevalent in the UK and other wealthy countries. The report focuses on improving children's health and diets, as a key way of preventing unnecessary and debilitating diseases caused by consumption of unhealthy foods.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 6 February 2001

News: Campaigners Welcome MPs Call for Organic Action Plan

Sustain | Wednesday 24 January 2001

Reports: Making Links: A Toolkit for Local Food Projects (revised edition)

This revised and updated pack is stuffed with information and inspiration for starting up or developing a successful community food project to improve access to good quality, affordable food.
Food Poverty | Monday 1 January 2001

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020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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