Sustain / Real Bread Campaign / About
About us
The Real Bread Campaign was co-founded by Andrew Whitley of Bread Matters, and Sustain: The alliance for better food and farming, the charity that runs the Campaign. The Campaign was officially launched on 26 November 2008.
- Definition
- Mission
- Vision
- Our work
- Projects and initiatives
- Our supporters
- Our co-founder
- Campaign ambassadors
- Staff and volunteers
- Working party
- Contact us
- How we are funded
- Impartiality
- Statement of diversity, equality and inclusion
Support our charity's work:
We define Real Bread as made without chemical raising agents, so-called processing aids or any other additives.
This includes, but is not limited to, genuine sourdough bread.
From this simple and universally-accessible starting point, the Real Bread Campaign finds and shares ways of making bread better for us, better for our communities and better for the planet.
We work towards a future in which everyone has the chance to choose Real Bread and can access it within walking or cycling distance. In this future:
- Real Bread will be available, accessible and affordable to everyone who wants it.
- There will be a (micro)bakery or other place to buy Real Bread within walking or cycling distance of the majority of people.
- Much of this bread will be made by independent bakeries that sustain more jobs per loaf, keep money circulating in local economies and help to keep their high streets alive.
- The owners and bakers of most of these neighbourhood bakeries will be members of local grain webs that also include farmers, millers and the people who buy their products.
- Real Bread will be available on school, hospital, care home, prison and other public sector menus.
- Most people will know how to make their own Real Bread. Real Bread making skills and knowledge will be shared in every school, as well as in community settings for the generations of people who missed out on learning this valuable life skill.
- There will be a legal definition of bread, a key criterion of which will be: made without additives.
- To help create a more level playing field on which small businesses can survive and thrive, and shoppers can make better-informed buying choices, there will also be legal definitions of commonly-used marketing terms. These will include fresh/freshly-baked, wholegrain, artisan, craft, sourdough and heritage. A bakery will be legally defined as a place where bread is made from scratch, not a loaf-tanning salon.
- A full declaration of all ingredients and additives on the label or point of sale display will be mandatory for every loaf, bun, wrap, sandwich etc..
- The majority of products made and sold will be bread, rather than additive-laden substitutes.
- Being a Real Bread baker will be a fulfilling and aspirational career choice, available to people of every heritage and background.
- Bakeries and the baking industry as a whole will be diverse and inclusive. Ownership, profit, power and opportunity will be distributed more equitably.
- Many bakeries will be run as social or community enterprises.
- All bread will be free of pesticides and other agrochemicals because all grain, particularly wheat, will be grown by biodynamic, certified organic or other low-to-no-input farming,
- Micronutritional values and flavour of grain will be valued as much as yield and protein levels.
- Therapeutic bread making, delivered by community-based businesses and initiatives, will be available on prescription.
- The seed to sandwich chain (for both bread and industrial loaf products) will be net zero
- No bakery will frequently have surplus bread to be redistributed or generate avoidable food waste at all.
Our work
We champion Real Bread and the wide range of people who make it, while challenging obstacles to their rise.
Our work includes:
- Sharing the many values of Real Bread that have been lost in the quest for a loaf that's ever cheaper at the till, regardless of other considerations and hidden costs.
- Networking to bring farmers, millers, bakers and other bread lovers closer together to create tighter food webs and support each other in making Real Bread available in their local communities; Real Bread bakers and other educators in sharing their skills, experience, passion and knowledge with children, caterers, professional and home bakers to make Real Bread available to all.
- Campaigning for: bread production that gives paramount importance to nourishment, flavour, digestibility and sustainability; support for local food systems, agricultural diversity and participatory plant breeding to enhance nutritional quality and local resilience.
- Lobbying for Real Bread values to be supported by policies covering education, training, food labelling, nutritional guidelines, nutritional and agricultural research.
Projects and initiatives
- An Honest Crust Act in the UK to protect everyone's right to know the truth about a loaf before they buy.
- Championing and supporting small, local, independent Real Bread bakeries, for example through our free Real Bread Map, the book Knead to Know...more, The Real Bread Loaf Mark, the No Loaf Lost surplus reduction project, annual events including Real Bread Week and Sourdough September, and ongoing media work.
- Real Bread For All: How can Real Bread be made available, accessible and affordable to everyone who wants it?
- Real Bread on the Menu of public sector institutions.
- Our recipe book Slow Dough: Real Bread.
- Our microbakery handbook Knead to Know...more.
- Our grow-a-loaf guidebook Bake Your Lawn.
- Our supporter network, which unites everyone who bakes, or simply loves, Real Bread, and - importantly - wants to enable our charity to continue this work.
More initiatives
Together We Rise to help people living with mental health issues or otherwise having a tougher time than most of us, to benefit from baking Real Bread.
Lessons in Loaf and Bake Your Lawn, which between 2010 and 2013 helped more than 10,000 children in at least 150 schools learn to make Real Bread.
No Loaf Lost: Guidance and encouragement for small bakeries to reduce not only their food waste but also the surplus they generate in the first place.
More generally, we:
- Share the pleasures and benefits of locally-made Real Bread over what we see as adulterated imitations.
- Challenge examples of what we see as misleading marketing of industrial/supermarket loaves.
- Help to raise awareness of issues around additives, including undeclared 'processing aids'
- Call for more funding and research into ways of selecting and growing grain, then turning it into bread, in ways that are better for the health of people and planet.
Our supporters
You don't have to be a baker to join the Real Bread Campaign!
Each supporter chooses to make an annual financial contribution of between £24.30 and £121 a year towards our charity's work.
This is our main source of income. Find out more about how we are funded.
Our co-founder
Drawing upon his experience setting up and running The Village Bakery Melmerby (one of Britain’s first organic bakeries) for 25 years, Andrew Whitley is author of books including the seminal Bread Matters, which won the Andre Simon Food Book Award in 2006. Andrew also won the judges' special prize at the BBC Food and Farming Awards 2011.
Andrew is co-founder of Bread Matters bakery school and consultancy; and of Scotland The Bread, the award-winning organisation working to relocalise the country’s loaf life based around heritage grains, sustainable farming and Real Bread making.
Official ambassadors
We encourage all of our supporters to champion Real Bread and our work. From this network we invite people to volunteer to fly the flag harder and higher as official Campaign ambassadors
Staff and volunteers
Chris Young has coordinated the Real Bread Campaign since March 2009. His work involves running the Campaign’s supporter network, creating and running initiatives including Sourdough September, Real Bread Week, Together We Rise (therapeutic/social baking), calling for an Honest Crust Act of better loaf labelling and marketing laws, and No Loaf Lost (surplus and waste reduction), as well as the Lessons in Loaf and Bake Your Lawn programmes for schools.
He’s the author of the books Slow Dough: Real Bread, Knead to Know...more and Bake Your Lawn, plus numerous reports, and is the founding editor of True Loaf magazine. From 2014-18 he also coordinated the London Food Link network, which included editing The Jellied Eel magazine and helping to launch and run the Urban Food Awards.
Chris has pulled on his judge’s wig for BOOM Awards, The Cateys, The Great Taste Awards, The Scottish Bread Championship and The World Bread Awards. In 2017, The School of Artisan Food honoured Chris with its first Fellowship.
Chris draws on the knowledge and expertise of the Campaign’s network of supporters and friends for advice, guidance and practical help. He relies upon Sustain colleagues for management, finance, design and IT support. He is sometimes assisted by part-time office volunteers and advised by a working party of people with relevant knowledge and expertise by experience.
Chris reports to Sustain’s management team of Kath Dalmeny and Sarah Williams.
Working party
The Chair of the Real Bread Campaign is Alison Swan Parente. Alison is a member of the Sustain Council of Trustees and founder of Sustain Alliance member organisation The School of Artisan Food.
Alison chairs the Campaign's working party. This ad-hoc advisory group draws participants from Sustain Alliance member organisations and the Campaign's supporter network, as well as other people with knowledge/expertise/experience of the issues being discussed. Working party members variously offer advice, information and connections to help the Campaign coordinator with project planning, implementation and other decision making.
The Campaign's Chair reports back to the Sustain's Council. A Sustain working party is an advisory (rather than a steering) group. While Sustain is committed to taking the views of working party members into account, ultimately decisions about project or campaign priorities, actions, expenditure and other matters must reside with Sustain as the responsible and accountable body.
Read all about Sustain, including structure, governance, staff members and more.
Contact us
The Campaign is run on a part-time basis by Campaign coordinator Chris Young. Please email
Media queries only
For media enquiries about the Campaign and all things related to bread and industrial loaf products, please email Chris at:
If you need comment from a Real Bread baker, you might want to contact one of our official Campaign ambassadors or someone with a listing on the Real Bread Map.
Real Bread Campaign cofounder Andrew Whitley works closely with (but not for) Sustain. He can be contacted at Bread Matters.
Social media
Follow / like us on...
Real Bread Campaign supporters have access to The Real Baker-e Facebook group.
How we are funded
Since June 2013, the only income that Sustain has received to enable us to keep running the Real Bread Campaign is from:
- Annual supporter subscription payments
- Real Bread Loaf Mark scheme fees
- Doughnations
- Sales of books and other publications
- Advertisements in True Loaf magazine
- Legacies
- Occasional events
We also continue to work to secure additional income from by applying for charitable grants.
We do not accept corporate sponsorship or advertising on our website.
Past sources of income
- The Big Lottery's Local Food programme provided 80% of the funds needed to run the Real Bread Campaign from July 2009 to June 2013
- Sheepdrove Trust gave us an annual grant from July 2009 to June 2013
As part of the charity Sustain: The alliance for better food and farming, the Real Bread Campaign is independent from the agri-food sector.
In line with Sustain's general policy, the Campaign does not accept funding from any source which would compromise, or even appear to compromise, the alliance’s principles.
The Real Bread Campaign does not endorse or promote any one Real Bread bakery, baker, course, publication or organisation over another.
Supporter network
You don't need to be a baker to join us! Everyone can become a Campaign supporter, either as an individual or as a representative of a company or other organisation.
Real Bread Map listing
Inclusion in our Real Bread Map is solely dependent on the product shown being what we define as Real Bread. A listings there, on our events calendar, courses or any other pages of our site does not necessarily imply endorsement.
In line with Sustain policy, the Real Bread Campaign accepts no sponsorship from profit making organisations in the food and farming sector. The only money accepted from such companies/organisations are standard supporter payments in return for standard benefits, and paid-for advertising in True Loaf magazine.
Campaign logos
If a Campaign supporter chooses to display our 'proud to support...' badge, it simply signifies just that - they support the Campaign. The appearance of our supporter badge is not an assurance that Real Bread standards are being met.
For details of our separate Real Bread Loaf Mark scheme, please click here.
Real Bread Campaign: Finding and sharing ways to make bread better for us, our communities and planet.