Ed Baker's door sign. Credit: Chris Young / www.realbreadcampaign.org CC-BY-SA-4.0
Three Real Bread bakeries honoured with three-star awards.
Ed Baker's door sign. Credit: Chris Young / www.realbreadcampaign.org CC-BY-SA-4.0
Real Breads crafted by Campaign ambassador Eddy Sleiman and two other supporters have been judged worthy of three stars in the Great Taste Awards 2023.
Of the 14,195 products that underwent the competition’s judging process this year, only 248 were awarded 3 stars.
The GTA website states that a 3-star award means a product is ‘Exquisite. Extraordinarily tasty food and drink. Don’t leave the shop without buying it!’
Real Bread Campaign co-ordinator Chris Young said: "Congratulations to all Campaign supporters who won awards, especially Eddy, Claire and Nadia's team."
He added: "As one of the 500 or so judges involved in blind-tasting entries, I know that stars aren't just given away for turning up and a lot of tastebuds have to be satisfied before a 3-star award is handed out. They even ring a little bell when one is and all judges in the room crowd round to try whatever it is."
The full list of one, two and three star award winners across all categories can be found at: www.greattasteawards.co.uk
When reporting on awards, we tend to focus on current Campaign supporters as a small thing we can add to our thanks to them for backing our work.
We sometimes also give a nod to bakeries that, while not Campaign supporters, have confirmed they make at least some additive-free products by adding their details to the Real Bread Map.
Due to the time involved in cross-referencing lists of winners in larger awards against our own database, in some cases we have to limit our reporting to the winners of higher-level awards.
Everyone who makes Real Bread (ie additive-free) for sale is invited to add the details to the Real Bread Map.
Everyone, whether baker or not, is encouraged to join the Real Bread Campaign in support of our charity’s work.
Login to check your supporter or Real Bread Map details
See also
Real Bread Campaign: Finding and sharing ways to make bread better for us, our communities and planet.
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