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Real Bread Maker Week 2011
For the latest information, click here.
Thanks to everyone who got into the spirit of Real Bread Maker Week. Congratulations to Captain Barrie Sampson of The Salvation Army, Letchworth, who took his machine along for the Silver Circle Club members to enjoy a fresh loaf or two. This truly community-spirited use wins Barrie an American bread slicer from and a supply of flour from Marriage’s.
Get involved
National Real Bread Maker Week is all about YOU!
If you have passed on or picked up a bread machine, get along to the Real Bread Maker Week group on Facebook to share your stories.
- bread machine loaf picnic
- best bread machine loaf competition
- get together to share tips and recipes, preferably using locally produced ingredients
- set up a group or event to help find new homes for second-hand bread machines
- put a bread machine in a communal area for other people to borrow - e.g. student halls, block of flats, staff room or kitchen at work.
Perhaps you could involve a local community group such as your:
- WI group
- Scout or guide troop
- Work colleagues
- Local school
- Farmers' market
- Community shop
- Sharing network
- Slow Food group
For more inspiration, click here to read what people got up to during Real Bread Maker Week 2010.
Events and activities
Here are a few of the things going on during the week. Visit our events calendar to see (or add) more.
If you would like us to help you let others know about your own event please add it to our calendar or drop a note on the wall of the National Real Bread Maker Week page on Facebook
National Mills Weekend
Click here for full details of National Mills Weekend
Howies Doh Boy Missions
howies tasked the Doh Boy army with a number of missions during Real Bread Maker Week.
Friends of Doh Boy can download this PDF so they can wear the Real Bread Day uniform with pride whilst carrying out each mission.
Missions include Doh Boy standing guard by supermarket loaves to stop people eating them, a picnic and more...
The guys at howies is calling people to take a picture of Doh Boy guarding the supermarket loaves and send it in to them –
Equal Exchange UK recipe competition
Send them your favourite recipe and they'll send the person with the tastiest one a whole kilo of our Fairtrade Chilean walnut halves. For full details, click here.
Which? Breadmakers Live Q&A
At 12.00 on 18th May 2011, Real Bread Campaign member Patrick Moore, from More? The Artisan Bakery, joined Which? experts to answer all your breadmaker questions LIVE on 18 May.
If you would like to share your Real Bread recipes, stories, tips, pictures, or event ideas with others then please join the National Real Bread Maker Week group on Facebook.
Want to get hold or rid of a bread machine? Here are a few organisations that will help you to pass it on any time of the year:
EcoModo enables people to lend and borrow everyday objects, skills and spaces and already have a number of breadmakers for people to borrow and a member willing to teach others how to make Real Bread - and raise money for charity at the same time. Visit
Freecycle helps people who have things they no longer need to give them away to people who do need them and in the process keeps many useful items from filling up our landfill sites. To request or offer a bread maker go to and join your local group.
Freegle is an email list hosted on Yahoo! Groups that allows you to give stuff away when you need to get rid of it but don’t want to throw it in the bin. Or save something from landfill by asking for it; perhaps someone has just what you need that they were about to throw away. To see how you can pick up or pass on a bread machine, visit
Let's All Share
To find bread machines being offered, simply type 'breadmakers' into the search bar and they will be displayed on a map so you can see the breadmaker nearest to you. If you want to give away or rent out your breadmaker, you just need to set the rules about renting or giving, delivery or collection as required and publish it to the breadmakers category.
On ooffoo you can reuse, recycle, swap, sell, give away, write & blog, vote, debate & discuss their latest hot topic, find recipes & useful eco tips and much more. To add a free classified ad for a machine you want to pass on, visit
Streetbank is a site that helps you share and borrow things from your neighbours. Sign up with your name and postcode, add at least one item 9like a bread machine), skill or recommendation and see all the items within one mile radius of your home.
If you would like to get your organisation involved in finding new homes for second-hand bread machines, please let us know.
Click here for some more ideas on how to pass it on.
This is an opportunity for home bakers to share their recipes and tips with others around the country.
To start you off, here are a couple: basic Real Bread for your breadmaker by Andrew Whitley and some new adventures in sourdough
if you have your own recipe, please add it to the wall in the National Real Bread Maker group on Facebook. We're especially keen on hearing from anyone who's had success at making genuine sourdough in a bread machine.
Here are some of our friends who joined in the fun in 2010.
The Real Food Festival
Society for the Protection of Ancient Building (mills section)
The Traditional Corn Millers Guild
Lets All Share
Doves Farm
If you'd like to join in, please get in touch: the more the merrier
Real Bread Campaign: Finding and sharing ways to make bread better for us, our communities and planet.