Archived project

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If you run or work for a larger caterer, you could make a significant difference in helping a number of towns and cities become a Sustainable Fish City. Download the Sustainable Fish City pledge and discuss it with your colleagues. By signing the pledge, and returning it to Sustainable Fish City, you will be committing your organisation to take the appropriate steps to buy sustainable seafood, to protect precious marine environments and fish stocks, and good fishing livelihoods.

If you work for / with a public sector caterer (e.g. hospital, university, school, local authority, service organisation), then call the number below and we can help you find the right support. Download advice for schools interested in sustainable fish here.

Please get in touch to discuss your needs and concerns. Call Sustainable Fish City on 0203 5596 777 or email: If you've already taken action, then get in touch and we'll feature your story on this website, as an inspiration to others.

How can smaller caterers help?

We recognise that it is harder for smaller and independent caterers to find sustainable fish supplies, and to find the time to undertake the necessary research and product development. You can tell your supplier not to supply endangered species, and to help you buy demonstrably sustainable fish, but they may not be able to help you.

To support Sustainable Fish City, we therefore ask you to:

  • Sign the Sustainable Fish City pledge.
  • Tell us (privately) who supplies your fish. Perhaps we are already working with your supplier.
  • Be more adventurous and serve different types of fish and shellfish to help relieve the pressure on popular species. For consumers, we have put together a "Top Ten Fish Swaps" to help you consider alternatives to 'at risk' fish. Ask your supplier if such alternatives are available, and let us know how you get on.

Keen to join in? Get in touch, and we'll tell you what we can do to help. If you've already taken action, then get in touch and we'll feature your story on this website, as an inspiration to others.

Interested in receiving training?

Billingsgate Seafood Training School eventSustainable Fish City have also helped caterers and chefs to learn about better alternatives to the fish they buy, and how to design menus to make best use of sustainable fish and seasonal produce. Read a report of a recent training event held at Billingsgate Seafood Training School in London, for around 40 chefs from different catering companies, restaurants, pubs and hotels. If you or your chefs would like to participate in a similar event, please get in touch:

Greenwich Cooperative Development AgencyOne of Sustainable Fish City's associate members, Greenwich Cooperative Development Agency (GCDA) also provides bespoke, practical and innovative skills-based training for catering staff, procurement officers and managers in all areas of food, health and sustainability, including reducing an organisation's carbon footprint. Their training is based on a comprehensive needs assessment and addresses gaps in knowledge and skills whilst also addressing health, sustainability and economic growth. 

“This training is the best and most relevant training I have been on in the 16 years I have worked for Barking and Dagenham Council” 

Cook undertaking craft skills training with GCDA in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, June 2010

Caterers - large and small - that have signed up to Sustainable Fish City include: BaxterStorey, Caterlink, Cookery School, Do & Co, Eden Caterers, Garrets, Greenwich Kitchen, GS Plus, Holroyd Howe, ISS Facility Services Food & Hospitality, Restaurant Associates, Sarah Moore Caterers, Sodexo and Vacherin - click here to find out more. The organisers of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games have also committed to using only sustainable fish in their catering for the Games.

Claire Pritchard, Greenwich Cooperative Development Agency“Using sustainable fish is good business – the public are getting more educated and more demanding and restaurants that ignore this will not survive. It is also great marketing!"
Claire Pritchard, Greenwich CDA

Tony Cooke, Sodexo“Our restaurants are now Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified; meaning that wherever you see the MSC ecolabel, fish has been sourced from sustainable fisheries. So now our fish dishes are as good for the ocean as they are for you."
Tony Cooke, Sodexo

Sarah Moore, artisan caterer“Quite simply, my actions as a buyer count both through my purchases, and in the message sent out by delicious food that carries the message 'sustainably sourced'."
Sarah Moore, artisan caterer

Nick Mead, Eden Caterers“Buying sustainably is easily done, has little impact on your costs, and most importantly would make a huge difference to solving the problem.”
Nick Mead, Eden Caterers

Sustainable Fish: A campaign to protect precious marine environments and fishing livelihoods, and call for fish to be bought from sustainable sources. We want to show what can be done if people and organisations make a concerted effort to change their buying habits.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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