Want to rep Real Bread and the Campaign?

Seeking people to share their skills, knowledge and experience.

Team Real Bread. Credit: Chris Young / www.realbreadcampaign.org CC-BY-SA-4.0Team Real Bread. Credit: Chris Young / www.realbreadcampaign.org CC-BY-SA-4.0

News Real Bread Campaign

Published: Thursday 28 March 2024

The Real Bread Campaign creates, finds and is offered a steady stream of opportunities for people involved in the rise of Real Bread to write articles, give interviews, speak at events, do demos and so on.

Might you be interested in any of these?

Campaign coordinator Chris Young is working to build up the contacts in his Rolodex*, so he has a larger and more diverse (in all senses) pool of people to whom he can offer the opportunities.

email Campaign coordinator Chris Young

*kids, ask your parents / grandparents…


The opportunities range from writing articles that we publish in True Loaf magazine and on our website; to local, regional and national media interviews; to speaking or doing demos at in-person and online events.


We want and need to make more connections with a wider range of people with a wider range of skills, knowledge and experience, right along the grain chain and beyond.

In addition to inspirational home-based microbakers, we want to hear from cereal breeders/researchers, farmers, millers, Xth generation in a family (and other) professional bakers, dieticians and nutritionists, academics specialising in relevant areas of study…

We’re also working to broaden the range of backgrounds and identities of people who feel welcome in our network; and who are comfortable in being more vocal and visible.

We still need to work harder to include and represent people who are: under 30, Black, every other colour, from an ethnic minority, somewhere in the LGBTQIA+ rainbow, neurodivergent, differently abled, have experience of living in poverty, and for whom English is a second or other language. 

To be clear: this emphasis on reaching out to a wider range of people is as well as, rather than instead of, welcoming and valuing people who've tended to come forward before now.


As part of a UK charity, we’re keen to celebrate and strengthen the Real Bread movement right across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. We also love to highlight great work being done by people  around the world.


We publish True Loaf magazine in January, April, July and September, commissioning writers at least a couple of months before each publication date. We also have a rolling schedule of website exclusives.

Across the year we run, and are invited to provide experts for, in-person events, webinars and media interviews.


Everything we do works towards our vision of everyone having realistic chances to choose Real Bread, and our mission of making that bread better for us, our communities and the planet.

The messages are enhanced when they come direct from, or are clearly supported by, experts - including people with (what we call in the third sector) lived experience.

What’s in it for me?

That depends on what you want to get out of it. Perhaps it’s seeing your words published; the opportunity to be seen/heard; the satisfaction of sharing what you do and know to inspire other people; being someone who connects with people of similar background or identity; or helping to bring about change for the better. If you run a business, it can also create a bit of free publicity.

Sadly, what’s rarely on offer is cash, though we’re working on that: see our Untold Stories Fund.

Coming soon

Keep an eye on our website, enewsletter and social media channels for a call in spring 2024 for our next batch of official ambassadors

See also

Real Bread Campaign: The Real Bread Campaign finds and shares ways to make bread better for us, better for our communities and better for the planet. Whether your interest is local food, community-focussed small enterprises, honest labelling, therapeutic baking, or simply tasty toast, everyone is invited to become a Campaign supporter.

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