Black History Month

Can you help the Real Bread Campaign celebrate Black bakers?

Want to be on the board?. Credit: Canva / Chris Young / CC-BY-SA-4.0Want to be on the board?. Credit: Canva / Chris Young / CC-BY-SA-4.0

News Real Bread Campaign

Published: Thursday 5 October 2023

It’s #BlackHistoryMonth in the UK. Looking back through the Real Bread Campaign archive for some articles to highlight again on our website provided a reminder that the Campaign isn’t doing as well as it could be at celebrating Black people involved in the rise of Real Bread worldwide, and the UK in particular.*

Can you help?

It’s our problem to solve but we need help from both within and beyond our current network. 

If you have suggestions of activity that could help us to improve diversity, equity and inclusion in our work and network, or if you’d like to be involved in this, please email us.

Passing the mic

We’ll also take this opportunity to remind EVERYONE (but, given the month, Black people in particular) of our open invitation: If you have Real Bread related knowledge to share, views to air or stories - about yourself or someone else - to tell, we’d love to help you do so through our website, supporters’ magazine and social media channels.

As we are run by a small charity, many people are happy to write, take photos etc on a voluntary basis. We appreciate and understand, however, that other people want or need to be paid.

We don’t currently have that money, which is why we set up the Untold Stories Fund. Please have a read and we hope you'd like to contribute.

In case you're wondering...

Pre-empting any comments along the lines of ‘why don’t you just focus on bread?’ (which, sadly, articles like this often seem to elicit): the Campaign has always been as much about people as it is about food.

Our work is about the people who grow and mill grain, craft it into Real Bread and who buy and eat those end products. This includes the vast majority of people on the planet and yet this is not reflected in our network or (in the UK, at least) people who identify as being part of the wider Real Bread movement. 

Oh, and before anyone suggests (again) that Black people don’t eat or make Real Bread, please look at our definition, which includes pretty much every type of additive-free bread on the planet.

* We fall short on representations of people of other identities and backgrounds, too. While they're not the focus of this particular post, we’d welcome your constructive input in those including other people who're missing from the party.

See also

Real Bread Campaign: Finding and sharing ways to make bread better for us, our communities and planet.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

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