Have your say on London’s food future

The Mayor of London’s Food Strategy is looking for feedback and there are only a few days left  tohave your say on the priorities and projects surrounding good food in the capital.

Draft London Food StrategyDraft London Food Strategy

News Jellied Eel

Published: Friday 29 June 2018

The Mayor London’s draft Food Strategy for the next decade is a big deal – it sets out some bold ambitions that we’re keen to support – and covers issues like:

  • Tackling childhood obesity with a possible ban of junk food ads
  • Encouraging more sustainable food growing in London
  • Increasing the number of free water fountains
  • Tackle household food insecurity so all Londoners can eat well
  • Reduce food waste in London

If you care about any of these issues, it’s time to make your voice heard.  Visit our London Food Link webpage to read our response and support our recommendations.

You’ll need to be quick, the deadline is fast approaching – all feedback has to be in by 5 July – or you’ll miss your chance to help influence what happens to London. 

Jellied Eel: With more than 50,000 readers, The Jellied Eel is the magazine for ethical eating in the capital. Published by Sustain's London Food Link to celebrate the best of London's local larder, each issue showcases the people and projects helping to put good food on the table. Annual subscription starts from less than £2 a month.

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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