London Food Link works to ensure that good food policies and practices are a priority for local authorities and for the Mayor of London.

Alongside our annual league tables to highlight local authorities’ performance on good food, London Food Link responds to relevant strategy consultations and works to influence London-wide and borough level policy.

Sustain represent our London work and the London Food Link network on the London Food Board, convened by the Mayor of London.

Mayoral Elections 2021

As part of our work to influence policy makers, Sustain's London team with guidance from other London-based Sustain members (Feedback, Food Foundation and School Food Matters), have drawn up a Good Food Manifesto for London for the incoming Mayor.  

This is included together with a summary of the leading four parties commitments and vision for food in our latest report.

Vote Good Food 2021 Report

Our manifesto covers: 

  • Tackling climate and nature emergency through food
  • Reducing food insecurity through commitments to Good Food for All including a Children’s Right2Food Charter
  • Good Food Jobs
  • Creating Healthy Food Neighbourhood


Good Food Manifesto 

This was sent to the main candidates in the run up to their publishing of their manifesto commitments, along with an offer to meet with the candidates. 

What next?

Our coalition will be sharing our ideas with others, and identifying how the candidates are addressing the opportunities and challenges presented by our food system and their track record.

Want to get involved?

We are looking for Londoners that are keen to fly the flag for good food and show the candidates that these issues matter to voters.  This could be through attending hustings to ask questions, contacting candidates, tweeting our asks and providing Vox Pop footage to support our campaign asks.  Interested in campaigning on Vote Good Food?

Get in touch.

Strategy Consultation Responses

In 2017 the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, published a series of draft strategies with implications on the food Londoners buy, eat and grow. They also encompass areas where good food policies and practices can have a positive impact on the life of people in the capital. 

We have responded to the Environment Strategy, Health Inequalities Strategy, the London Plan and are currently compiling a response to the  draft London Food Strategy.

The draft London Plan Examination in Public

Following our submissions on the draft London Plan, London Food Link has been invited to submit a written statement and attend two of the examinations in public. These cover

  • Food Growing
  • Limiting access to hot food takeaways

To date London Food Link has submitted two statements on the Matters that the examiners presented covering the Green Belt policy and Food Growing policy. 

Download statement: Green Belt 

Download statement: Food Growing

See our previous respoonse below.

The London Food Strategy

Ahead of the publication of the newLondon Food Strategy, the Mayor of London set out his priorities and commitments, in a draft strategy and invited feedback.

London Food Link and other teams at Sustain provided a response for our supporters and friends to use to help shape their own responses. 

Download our summary response

Read our detailed response


10 points to make

Areas to show support

  1. The proposed ban of junk food advertising on the TfL network
  2. Restriction on new hot food takeaways near schools
  3. Targets to increase in Healthy Start voucher uptake to 80%, benefiting people with young children and the local economy
  4. Commitment to reduce food waste by 20% by 2025

Where it could go further

  1. There is already strong support for London Living Wage but we would like this to be championed to businesses, contractors and councils.
  2. Build on the recognition of the right to food, and support for Beyond the Food Bank by making a clear statement that diverting food surplus to people in need is not the solution to food poverty.
  3. More focus on good food and planning across the board but particularly in terms of retail and food growing.
  4. More focus on schools, particularly secondary schools and how to tackle the targeting of school children with junk food.
  5. Clearer protection of existing community food growing spaces and more on the potential for food production in London’s Green Belt.
  6. An explicit statement on the type of farming and food supply that London seeks to promote i.e. agro-ecological, and clear actions on improving the environment through food supply and influencing diets.

To find out more about LFL's response email

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You can support our work by becoming a London Food Link supporter from as little as £22.50 per year. Find out more here

The draft London Plan

The new London Plan was opened for consultation in early 2018. This strategically important document has considerable implications on food in the capital, and London Food Link compiled a response, covering: 

  • the welcome inclusion of a ban on fast food outlets near school and commitment to improve access to drinking water fountains
  • the lack of detail and commitment on increasing access to healthier food retail
  • a need for a stronger policy on and recognition of food growing and agriculture, to ensure existing sites are protected and that there is more opportunity to grow food in the city.
  • stronger support for the protection of open land and retention of soil quality in the Green Belt so that land is used for growing food and not held in the hope that it can be developed.
  • more support for small and emerging sustainable food scene

Download a summary of our response

You can also download our full response here

London’s draft Environment Strategy

Download our response here

London’s draft Health Inequalities Strategy

Download our response here

Previous campaign activities

As well as ensuring we are part of the policy making process, London Food Link also helps to change and influence practices through campaigns.

Calling on London councils to take action on healthier food

The Local Government Declaration on Sugar Reduction and Healthier Food is an initiative to help London local authorities tackle the proliferation and marketing of unhealthy food and drinks. We think councils can do more to help create a healthier food environment for Londoners so in spring 2018 we asked Londoners to get in touch with their local public health leaders to promote the Declaration.

Vote Good Food

During the 2016 Mayoral Elections we produced a document and met with candidates to ensure that food was high on their agenda. Read more here.

Cage Free Capital

This campaign urged London boroughs, visitor attractions, arenas and stadia to turn their backs on cruelty and serve only cage free eggs and resulted in 14 attractions signing the pledge. Read more here.


You can support our work in this area by becoming a London Food Link supporter from as little as £22.50 per year. Find out more here


London Food Link: London Food Link brings together community food enterprises and projects that are working to make good food accessible to everyone in London to help create a healthy, sustainable and ethical food system for all.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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