Archived project

Please note that the content on this page has been archived and is not actively reviewed at present.

Launched in two parts over 2020-2021, the National Food Strategy was an independent review commissioned by government to set out a vision and a plan for a better food system. The Government responded to it with its own 'strategy', published in June 2022 (six months late).

Sustain National Food Strategy

What is the Government Food Strategy?

It is the Government response to the independent National Food Strategy and you can read it: here


Kath Dalmeny, chief executive of Sustain: “In the face of multiple crises in the cost of living, rocketing obesity, climate change and nature loss, the government food strategy looks shamefully weak. Government was given crystal clear analysis and a set of recommendations by the Dimbleby food strategy, and has chosen to take forward only a handful of them. This isn’t a strategy, it’s a feeble to do list, that may or may not get ticked."

Useful documents





  • Government consultation on how to how to deliver local, sustainable, healthier food in the public sector (launched 13 June, closes 4 September)  
  • Government consultation on how to improve food surplus and waste reporting by large food businesses in England (launched 13 June, closes 5 September)

Media coverage featuring Sustain

  • BBC News 14 June -  "There is an element of kicking the can down the road" - our Deputy Chief Exec Ben Reynolds responds to published Government Food Strategy on BBC News.
  • Grown in Britain, letter to the Times (£)
  • Government's vision for food industry is 'not a strategy', Leon founder Henry Dimbleby says, Sky News
  • Dimbleby says new Government food plan is ‘not a strategy, Evening Standard

  • Health groups vent fury over ‘watered down’ National Food Strategy, The Grocer (£)

  • EMMA LEWELL-BUCK: Food strategy lacks concrete proposals to address hunger along with our food supply and its sustainability, Shields Gazette

  • Food strategy for England likely to be watered down, Guardian

Materials relating to the original National Food Strategy Plan

"Without legislation, clear responsibility, accountability and adequate powers and resources for implementing a long-term plan, the fresh ideas in the ground-breaking National Food Strategy will quickly wilt."

Kath Dalmeny, Chief Executive of Sustain

At a time when the fragility of our food, health and ecological systems have never been more apparent, Sustain had welcomed the original National Food Strategy and its calls for fundamental change.Compiled below are the related responses, briefings, blogs and publications for our campaigns and alliance members to the orginal Strategy.

Read our MP briefing and overview on the National Food Strategy(July 2021)
Sustain's full response to Part 2 (July 2021)
Sustain's full response to Part 1 (July 2020)

Media coverage




The full report is available from the National Food Strategy website.


The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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