Keir Starmer opposes Repeal Bill second reading, for Bill's failure to "take back control"

Shadow Secretary of State for Brexit Keir Starmer has lodged a Reasoned Amendment to the EU (Withdrawal) Bill (also known as the Repeal Bill), effectively opposing the second reading of the legislation, arguing that it fails to restore full sovereign power to the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

News Good Food Trade Campaign

Published: Monday 4 September 2017

The Repeal Bill is due for its second reading on Thursday 7 September. Keir Starmer's amendment, to be lodged on 5 September reads as follows:

"That this House, while supporting the principle of transferring the acquis of EU law into domestic law as a necessary part of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union, and understanding that the acquis can successfully and effectively be transferred into UK law without undermining the sovereignty of Parliament, declines to give a Second Reading to the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill because this Bill is incapable of so transferring the acquis and therefore fails in the Bill’s central aim of restoring full sovereign power to this House and the House of Lords and because the Bill fails to provide adequate means for holding the Government to account and for scrutinising future legislative changes, while also denying this House the opportunity to play a full part in the future legislative process in relation to EU Law that has been transposed into UK Law, and it makes no provision for the transfer of devolved competencies coming back from the European Union to the devolved administrations, meaning that this Bill amounts to an unwarranted power grab by central Government, rather than being the technical and procedural Bill that this House was assured and guaranteed that it would be."

Sustain has joined the new Repeal Bill alliance, coordinated by Unlock Democracy, to press for better policy outcomes from the Repeal Bill, for people and the planet - health, welfare and sustainability. Sign up your organisation for news or to get involved at and follow on Twitter at @fixrepealbill Unlock Democracy has published a very helpful briefing:

Good Food Trade Campaign: Campaigning for good trade that benefits people and the planet at home and overseas.

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