Archived project

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Campaigning for good food and farming trade that benefits people and the planet, at home and overseas.

We put sustainable food, farming and fishing, and good food trade on the agenda of decision makers. We advocate for trade that guarantees people in the UK can enjoy a supply of food that is safe, affordable and good for our health, animal welfare and the environment. We want to see precious natural resources protected and damaging emissions that cause climate change reduced. We also want to be sure that farmers and food producers at home and abroad can make a decent living.

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According to Which? 95% of UK consumers support maintaining existing food standards and over 2.65 million consumers signed petitions.

More than 5k Sustain members and allies wrote to MPs to protect food standards.

Sustain recruited more than 1000 farmers to call for high food standards in trade.

Government made the Trade and Agriculture Commission statutory and pledged expert members on animal welfare and the environment.

Six steps the UK Government can take to promote child health in trade

1Assert the right to regulate for health in negotiating objectives for all trade deals

2Publish the impact of any new trade deal on long term dietary health and nutrition

3Save our standards and ensure safe, nutritional ingredients and labelling

4Reject corporate courts that would allow junk food companies to challenge public health legislation

5Join up government between departments of health and international trade

6Be transparent with well-timed parliamentary scrutiny

We put sustainable food, farming and fishing, including in trade policy and deals, on the agenda of decision makers. We advocate for trade that guarantees people in the UK can enjoy a supply of food that is safe, affordable and good for our health, animal welfare and the environment. We want to see precious natural resources protected and damaging emissions that cause climate change reduced. We also want to be sure that farmers and food producers at home and abroad can make a decent living.


Current areas of work

Advocating for the protection of food, farming and fishing standards, supporting the work of the Future British Standards Coalition.

Lobbying for the protection of pesticide and antibiotics policies from future trade deals.

Promoting trade policies that protect and enhance child health.

Raising awareness of the impact of trade on the climate and nature emergency.


The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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