Credit: PexelsCredit: Pexels

You may have noticed some changes to how we talk about our network recently, so thought we’d share this exciting new journey with you.

Since the summer of 2023, London Food Link has started to focus on supporting community food enterprises across London through providing resources, advocacy, and networking opportunities.


With a backdrop of rising living costs and a sharp increase in those experiencing food insecurity, we believe community food enterprises are critical in providing lower cost food and support to people struggling to make ends meet. While they can’t solve these issues alone, we want to focus our efforts to support them to trade sustainably, connect and learn from one another and to have a voice in the food sector.

What’s changing?

Joining the network will now be free so more community enterprises and projects can benefit, but we encourage you to donate if you can. Any donations received will support this work and Sustain’s campaigns in London, with this money helping to keep our offer free and events low-cost.

There will also be no more Jellied Eel magazine (online and print), for now - we know for many supporters, this has been a key benefit, but publishing is a difficult industry to operate in and online magazines are a crowded market, relying on advertising to make ends meet. With our principles on who we take money from, this just doesn’t work for us or you at the moment. A huge thank you to everyone who made the magazine possible – we’re so grateful to all of our fantastic volunteers, sponsors, advertisers and everyone involved in a story, the logistics and the brilliant stockists – without you all, it couldn’t have happened.

Instead, there’ll be a new set of benefits as well as our monthly newsletter and a continued social media presence, including a new email group to directly connect enterprises and people interested in this agenda, as well as targeted resources and networking opportunities. We also hope to bring in new benefits in future and will be listening to what the needs of the sector are and how we can lever in extra money to make it happen.

Join us

So, if you’re a community food enterprise, a food aid provider, an SME, voluntary project, social enterprise, other food business, or you just care about making good food accessible to everyone, join us today (for free!). You can find information about community food enterprises, support them, buy from them or start your journey to set one up. And if you can, we warmly encourage you to make a donation to support this work so we can continue to keep this offer and our events low-cost or free, and ensure the sector thrives.

Thank you

If you’ve been part of London Food Link over the last 21 years, we want to say a huge thank you. With your support, we’ve helped, connected and shone a light on the brilliant people, enterprises and organisations who are cheffing, growing and campaigning to bring good food to London and encouraged Councils to act on important food issues in their boroughs.

Join London Food Link

London Food Link: London Food Link brings together community food enterprises and projects that are working to make good food accessible to everyone in London to help create a healthy, sustainable and ethical food system for all.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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