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Step 4 - Communicate clearlyTell your team, customers and supplier about the importance of sustainable seafood.

If you've made sustainable sourcing choices, communicating this can make customers more likely to support your business, build your reputation and encourage others to take similar steps. Plus telling people about your seafood choices can raise the public's general understanding of and support for marine issues as well as the progress you are making as a responsible business. You can aim to:

  • Make information on the source of your seafood (e.g. exact species name plus where and how it was produced) easily available to customers and others.
  • Train management and employees about seafood sustainability and your responsible sourcing choices, (as well as having a publicly available policy). See Step 3: State Your Commitment.

Fish tip: Spread the word
Spreading the sustainability message with customers can build support for your business and for sustainable seafood in general. Front of house staff are key communicators; websites, menus, flyers and special events may also be useful.

How you do this will depend on what works well for your own business. Talk with colleagues about great ways to communicate your seafood sustainability. Consider options such as adding seafood sustainability information to your website and making it part of staff inductions; including details about the source of your seafood and capture methods on menus; plus using posters, leaflets and other marketing materials to pass on your message. Everyone likes a good news story!

Fish tip: Team talk
Communicate the provenance of your produce with your whole team; get everyone interested and invigorated and sharing this with the customer. Making progress on seafood sustainability is something to celebrate.

Go to Step 5: Influence wider progress

Good Catch: Good Catch provides practical information for chefs, caterers and restaurateurs, making it easier for them to serve more sustainable seafood.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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