View over the Yorkshire Dales near Simon's Seat. Credit: James Woodward
The Sustain Alliance and our members have been champions of agroecology in the UK, but it’s still an unknown term to many in the farming sector and the wider public. In this blog, we try to briefly explain what agroecology means to us and why we are calling for an agroecological transition.
View over the Yorkshire Dales near Simon's Seat. Credit: James Woodward
The term agroecology is much more than just another word or phrase to describe sustainability in farming. Its roots go back to early part of the 1900s, but its popularity is at its height today.
At its very basic, agroecology is about using ecological principles in farming and building social equity into the food system. It’s that combination of environmental and social drivers that makes agroecology stand out to us.
There are a set of principles that underpin agroecology which all individuals, communities, enterprises, organisations, and governments can work towards, but it allows enough flexibility to apply in all localities and circumstances. This includes environmental (i.e. soil type and climatic conditions), geographical, cultural, and business type. This is key as what works for one person, enterprise or community, won’t necessarily work for another.
Let’s delve into more detail to better understand what is achieved through applying agroecology.
Farming and food production systems and practices
The food system
Social networks and collaboration
The Sustain Alliance champions agroecology because it can be a major force for good on several levels. It seeks to make those important connections across the food system in a way that is environmentally and socially positive. We support agroecological whole farm system approaches like organic, pasture-fed, agroforestry, regenerative, and intercropping techniques.
The Food, Farming and Countryside Commission (FFCC) commissioned IDDRI to model a transition to agroecology in the UK. IDDRI’s research has set out how this can be achieved over the coming years and what positive impacts that will have for the UK.
Sustain and our members have been working hard to show Defra how and why agroecology can be part of their future farming plans. We need to see Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes that can support farmers on a journey into agroecological farming systems. We must also see agroecology play a key role in Defra’s White Paper response to the National Food Strategy.
Sustainable Farming Campaign: Pushing for the integration of sustainable farming into local, regional and national government policies.
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020 3559 6777
Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.
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