The way we farm is important for the environment, our communities, and everyone on this planet. We all have a stake in the ways we produce food.

The Sustain alliance is a leading voice in pushing for an sustainable farming future in the UK.

We need to move towards farming systems that provide healthy, affordable food that is grown to high standards and which supports good livelihoods.

We advocate for agroecological farming and better routes to market in the UK. We see a future based on cooperation and democracy in our agri-food system.

Food producers should receive a fair price, workers the real living wage, and all citizens access to affordable healthy food.

Whether public funding or the marketplace, producers should be fairly rewarded for producing healthy food in ways that benefits climate, nature, water, and air.

We want to see a vibrant sector that creates opportunities for new entrants and a pathway for people from diverse backgrounds to participate from farm to fork.

Farmers and growers should be enabled and empowered to work together through open knowledge exchange and collaboration groups.

Farmers, workers, and citizens should have a say in our food system, with more negotiation power provided within more local and regionalised food.

We must realise the vital role which farmers and independent food businesses play in building wealth and connection in our communities.

Policy change

Government policies and food industry practices often drive harmful production systems that degrade nature, climate and the environment, and many farmers and workers struggle to make a decent living from farming.

Regulations are failing to protect farmers and workers from unfair trading practices that are used by big players in the supply chain, such as supermarkets.

Changes in Government policy, as well as better use of public and private investment, could do much more for the benefit of everyone.

The UK must change farm support so that it rewards agroeoclogical food production and the delivery of public goods. The Government's approach to international trade deals will also have big implications for farmers, at home and abroad, and they must be based on high standards and fairness.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2025
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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