Good Food for London 2017

The Good Food for London report measures progress and encourages London councils to take action on good food. It measures action on 11 different good food measures, from food growing, encouraging breastfeeding, school food, Fairtrade and fair pay. Scores range from 88 to 13 per cent. The Good Food for London league table 2017 is topped by the London Borough of Greenwich, followed by Islington, Tower Hamlets, Lewisham and Waltham Forest.

Good Food for London 2017
2017 - 24pp | 7292Kb


Reports London Food Link

Published: Friday 13 October 2017

  • The boroughs of Lambeth, Redbridge, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest are leading the way as the first four to sign the new Local Government Declaration on Sugar Reduction and Healthier Eating.
  • The majority of London boroughs continue to support community and school food growing with 30 boroughs engaged in Food Growing Schools: London, 27 including support for community food growing in planning policy and 26 supporting the work of Capital Growth.
  • Given the prevalence of food poverty in London, it is encouraging that more boroughs are becoming London Living Wage employers, as well as encouraging local businesses and charities to join through incentive schemes.
  • More boroughs continue to help ensure the best start for every baby as now 24 boroughs are accredited by the Unicef Baby Friendly initiative.
  • The majority of schools in most boroughs are achieving at least Bronze Food for Life Served Here (formerly known as Food for Life Catering Mark), and 15 boroughs also have it in other sectors of catering under the council’s control.
  • Fewer boroughs are taking part in the Healthier Catering Commitment, a worrying sign given the over-consumption of food high in added sugar, fat and salt and the success of this pan-London initiative.
  • Fewer boroughs have maintained their Fairtrade status over the last year.
  • Since 2016, the number of boroughs taking action to promote sustainable fish, animal welfare, local food partnerships, and improving food culture in schools has stayed the same.

Report contents

London boroughs league table  

Part 1: Mapping support for good food    

  • Ensuring the best start for babies    
  • Community food growing    
  • The London Living Wage   
  • Fairtrade food    
  • Food for Life Served Here  
  • Sustainable fish
  • Animal welfare
  • Healthier catering
  • Local Government Declaration on Sugar Reduction and Healthier Food
  • Local food partnerships
  • Improving food culture in schools

Part 2: Further actions for good food by London boroughs

  • Taking a coordinated London-wide approach to food
  • Procurement Across London
  • Get SUGAR SMART in your borough

View the Good Food For London 2017 league table 

London Food Link: London Food Link brings together community food enterprises and projects that are working to make good food accessible to everyone in London to help create a healthy, sustainable and ethical food system for all.

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

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