London Food Link seeks social media expert

London’s good food network, run by Sustain, is looking for a seasoned social media consultant to support the network with its food related campaigns and promotion of good food enterprises in the capital.

Laptop in a garden. Credit: Janelle ConnLaptop in a garden. Credit: Janelle Conn

News London Food Link

Published: Monday 15 August 2022

The social media consultant will provide short term support and additional capacity to review our social media approach as well as expertise to try out new ways of working and engaging across different platforms.

London Food Link is a network of people in London who like to grow, cook, produce and enjoy good food. The Jellied Eel magazine (online and print) is our way of promoting the people and businesses who do more to bring good food to London. We want to build on progress already made, undertake a rapid review and support the team to find new ways of engaging with our audiences. This could include hoc support with specific areas including increasing the number of people signed up to our newsletters and supporter drives.

Specifically, the work includes: 

  • A rapid review of current social media channels that support London Food Link and the Jellied Eel Magazine and analysis – including what is working, what isn’t and initial areas for improvement, building on work already done by the London Food Link Coordinator
  • Writing and scheduling social media content on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to meet short term goals and test new approaches including focusing on areas like driving sign ups to newsletters and getting new supporters, competitions etc 
  • Drafting a simple social media plan with smart goals to achieve over short (3 months), medium (6 months) and longer term, building on goals identified by London Food Link
  • Making suggestions for how to rationalize the input needed and ensure analysis helps us improve, including suggestions on which social media accounts to continue
  • Supporting new areas e.g. use of video, paid content and other types of content

Find full details of the opportunity here


Initially there is a budget of approx. £2k for a short-term review (3-4 days), followed by 1 day a week, reducing to half a day a week for the rest of the contract. We envisage the contract will last for approximately 3 months (e.g. September until November) 

How to apply

To express your interest please send over your personal or organisational CV and cover letter stating your experience in the areas listed above and approach to this work, your daily rate and how you suggest scheduling the days to by 31 August, 9am. Interviews are scheduled to take place 7 September. 

London Food Link: London Food Link brings together community food enterprises and projects that are working to make good food accessible to everyone in London to help create a healthy, sustainable and ethical food system for all.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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