Sippets: July 2020

Recent crumbs of news from the world of Real Bread.

It's a microbakery, innit? Photo: Chris Young / CC-BY-SA 4.0It's a microbakery, innit? Photo: Chris Young / CC-BY-SA 4.0

News Real Bread Campaign

Published: Wednesday 8 July 2020

With everyone  having more than usual on their mind at the moment, understandably this is a shorter roundup than usual.

Introduction to microbakery
As a companion to our Knead to Know guide, we have created a new section of our website for would-be microbakers.

Microbial monarchy
Hobbs House Bakery’s 6th annual quest to find Britain's best sourdough home baker is in full swing.  Post your creations in the Sourdough Nation Facebook group. There will be two winners each week and the overall winner will be crown the King or Queen of The Sourdough. This year also sees a new beginners’ category for Lockdown who have baked their first sourdough bread over the last few months.

Here’s looking at you?
Ever look at the photos or articles published by the #RealBread Campaign and wonder 'why aren't more/any by/about people like me?' Our invitation to send us your stories and your photos remains open!

Please also keep posting your #LockdownLoafers (bakeries doing things differently) and #WeAreRealBread (diverse faces of bakers in action) photos on social media.

You could be heroes
The World Bread Awards want to hear from and about bakers, famers, millers (campaigners?) and others who have made and are making a positive impact with, for and around bread. They’re particularly keen to celebrate people who have made/had a positive impact on people in their community. You can enter or nominate your UK or US Bread Hero by 23 August.

Listen to our webinar
Whether or not you were amongst the 100 or so good food business folk who joined the webinar we ran with London Food Link and Sustainable Food Places, you can watch the recording now.

Heritage grain crowdfunding
Duchess Farm is raising dough to buy a mill and for ‘growing, milling and selling heritage flour direct, moving farmers towards organic practices.’

Congratulations to Real Bread Campaign supporter Mini Miss Bread, who successfully crowdfunded two fields of heritage wheat to be grown and milled for them by Duchess Farm.

Podcast praised
Well done also to the Farmerama team for their Cereal series, featuring a host of Campaign supporters and friends, which was named Best Podcast/Broadcast in this year’s Guild of Food Writers Awards.

What’s your news?

Wherever you are on the planet, if you have something Real Bread related you’d like us to help you share, please email a couple of very short lines, including a link to where you have published full details, to us at:

(We might not spot it if you just posted it on social media)

We have supporters in countries around the world and we'd particularly love to hear more from those of you outside the UK, and to give a platform to Real Bread folk everywhere who are currently under-represented in our work.

If you haven't done so already, please update or add your bakery or bakery school details on the Real Bread Map , individual classes and events to our calendar, and your good food job vacancies to Sustain's Roots to Work site.

We might post news on social media, rather than here; give priority to paid-up Campaign supporters; and reserve the right not to publish at all.

Sippet: A small piece of bread, often fried or toasted, used as a garnish or to dip in things. The British crouton.

Real Bread Campaign: The Real Bread Campaign finds and shares ways to make bread better for us, better for our communities and better for the planet. Whether your interest is local food, community-focussed small enterprises, honest labelling, therapeutic baking, or simply tasty toast, everyone is invited to become a Campaign supporter.

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020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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