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News: What difference could a National Food Strategy make?

Since the start of 2019, we have been asking Sustain members and other experts what policies they would like to see a National Food Strategy promote – and the results are in.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Thursday 10 October 2019

Reports: Policy Brief: Overview of the National Food Strategy Part Two

This briefing summarises key recommendations from Part Two of the National Food Strategy, with links to related responses and policy papers by Sustain and our alliance members.
Sustain | Thursday 26 August 2021

News: Sustain alliance welcomes launch of the National Food Strategy

The Sustain alliance has warmly welcomed today’s launch of the National Food Strategy, led by Defra and involving government departments that deal with public health and the UK’s industrial strategy.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Thursday 27 June 2019

Blog: National Food Strategy: Who’s missing from the table?

The National Food Strategy: Part One makes a commendable start on addressing why so many people cannot access the food they need. But older, disabled, ethnically diverse and migrant people are still missing from the table, says Sustain’s food poverty team.
Food Poverty | Monday 17 August 2020

News: Sustain and its members respond to the National Food Strategy Call for evidence

Read on for Sustain’s submissions to the development of a new National Food Strategy for England.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 28 October 2019

News: How can the Government’s new National Food Strategy deliver on our shared aims?

Food, farming and fishing policy have never been higher on the national agenda, since the birth of the Sustain alliance in 1999. Three months before Brexit, and almost on the eve of Sustain’s 20th anniversary year, join us for an investigation of how the Government’s promised new National Food Strategy can deliver on our shared aims. Held at London's Canal Museum, 12 December. Book your place now.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Wednesday 28 November 2018

Blog: Serving up success: 8 key wins for our campaigns in the National Food Strategy

After years of advocating for food to be on the political plate, many of Sustain’s campaigns finally got their fill in Part Two of the National Food Strategy.
Sustain | Wednesday 28 July 2021

Blog: The UK Government’s response to the National Food Strategy cannot ignore inequality

With nearly one in ten people in the UK experiencing food insecurity and the ravages of climate change impacting communities across the globe and further worsening food insecurity, we need a national food strategy for England that is ambitious enough to tackle these issues head on, one that chooses to include, acknowledge, and respond to all of the issues that cause food insecurity.
Food Poverty | Thursday 29 July 2021

News: Food poverty centre stage in new National Food Strategy

Henry Dimbleby has launched part one of the much-anticipated National Food Strategy, the first attempt to create an overarching food policy in the UK for 75 years.
Jellied Eel | Tuesday 11 August 2020

Reports: It must be part of the plan: farming and the National Food Strategy

A briefing covering NFS recommendations 8, 9 and some of 11, and 12.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 19 July 2021

Sustainable Farming Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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