Racial injustice is rife in food and farming - we must make more concerted efforts

Today, Sustain publishes our progress report on work to improve diversity, equity, inclusion and racial justice, says Sustain CEO Kath Dalmeny. We are also launching recruitment for a new Diversity Outreach Coordinator to help build our alliance, inspire young people and generate momentum for change. 

Diversity of people. Credit: Alan Karlik / SustainDiversity of people. Credit: Alan Karlik / Sustain

Blogs Sustain

Published: Friday 12 May 2023

In publishing our diversity progress report, we want to be transparent about what we are doing on these important matters and be open to ideas and constructive criticism. It is quite clear that lack of diversity, and racial injustice, are rife in the food and farming sector. We need to do more - and we need to work together - to address these matters head on.

Find out more and apply for the Diversity Outreach Coordinator role via our Roots to Work jobs website, and please promote this opportunity to people who might be interested. This role is offered as part of our Ethnicity Confident guaranteed interview scheme. Deadline for applications, 10am, 8 June 2023. 

Download Sustain's latest Diversity Progress Report here.

In our latest step, Sustain is recruiting for a new Diversity Outreach Coordinator, aiming to help us build better opportunities, connections and allyship. Please help us to promote this opportunity and please get involved. We want our work to involve and support people and communities experiencing inequity due to structural injustice, and with people with experience, identities and from backgrounds that are currently under-represented in our sector.  In particular, Sustain recognises the extent and depth of racial and economic injustice in the food system, hence the particular focus on these issues within this role.

The Diversity Outreach Coordinator will work with Sustain and our members and networks to:

  1. Build positive relationships with diverse young adults, and with organisations and institutions who work with young adults. In the first instance, this will be mainly in the higher education sector and potentially other relevant sectors, aiming to inform and inspire young adults on food and farming that is better for people, equity and the planet, and link them with opportunities to get involved.
  2. Build positive relationships and working connections with organisers and organisations that have backgrounds, identities, experiences and perspectives that are currently under-represented in our sector; and to link them with opportunities to get involved with our projects and campaigns and to influence, contribute to and benefit from the work of Sustain and our alliance. This could also involve development of a paid work experience or internship programme – get in touch if you’d like to be involved in a partnership to develop this.
  3. Build understanding, momentum and skills within Sustain and among Sustain alliance members and allies on diversity outreach and related matters, organising and running sessions of the Food Learning Forum to cover relevant issues.

Kath Dalmeny, Chief Executive of Sustain and lead author of the progress report says:

"Sustain’s diversity journey started with talking about a range of concerns, from insulting micro-aggressions through to the shocking macro structural injustice and racism inherent in the food and farming system. There is a wide range of things we can do, from micro-kindnesses through to championing macro structural reform, whilst also taking decisive action at operational, HR, communication, policy and campaign levels." 

"This involves maintaining our appreciation of intersectionality, whilst also needing to develop clear areas of work where we can start to make tangible improvements that can add up to bigger change and inspire others to get involved and build momentum. We have to hold all of those things in our minds, hearts and workplans as we step up to cultivating a better future built on diversity, equity, inclusion and racial justice."

We invite Sustain alliance members and associates to join us on this journey. This can include, for example:

  • Joining the Food Learning Forum to hear about shared learning opportunities for organisations in the food and farming movement, including sessions addressing diversity, equity, inclusion and racial justice.
  • Telling us if you would like to be involved in the alliance’s Diversity Outreach programme, perhaps as a speaker, advisor or member of a working group to develop a food and farming sector work experience or internship programme. Contact: sustain@sustainweb.org
  • Using and promoting the Roots to Work jobs service, reaching out to more people for opportunities to get involved with the sustainable food and farming movement.
  • Signing up to participate in The Race Report – Sustain and one fifth of Sustain alliance members are already taking part in this initiative to monitor and publish data on staff, leadership and trustee diversity.

“To bring about change you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try.”

Rosa Parks, African-American activist in the Civil Rights Movement best known for her pivotal role in the Montgomery bus boycott

Recruitment for the Diversity Outreach Coordinator has been made possible by funds from Impact on Urban Health and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, as well as investment of core funds from Sustain. 


Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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