Parliament credit:pixabay
Parliament credit:pixabay
On publication of the new Agriculture Bill, Vicki Hird, Farm Campaign coordinator says
“This feels like deja vue and the Bill may not survive politically but Sustain welcomes the announcement of a new Agriculture Bill and the commitment to supporting farmers and land managers for the delivery of public goods – a vital break from the old system.
But we regret that the Bill has not been strengthened to secure an adequate, multiannual budget, protection for UK farming, food and animal welfare standards in trade deals and duties to deliver agro-ecological farming across the country.
The Bill description mentions ‘Powers to strengthen transparency and fairness in the supply chain’ but we need an actual duty to deliver strong supply chain regulation in the whole supply chain and for all farm sectors to stop abusive practices.”
"We welcome the announcement also of the new Environment Bill based on strong principles and new legally binding targets which are badly needed to drive action on our natural environment and ecosystems. Now we need action and resources for the new Office for Environmental Protection and existing environment agencies, as soon as possible, to safeguard and enhance the environment."
Ruth Westcott, fishing coordinator at Sustain said
"On fishing, readers will feel a curious sense of déjà vu – the speech and background briefing that came with it promised to deliver ‘more sustainable fisheries for future generations’, just as the Fisheries Bill did – until it was dropped when parliament was prorogued. The speech offered warm sentiments about protecting our marine environment but no specific commitments or detail. Without detail we can have no confidence whatsoever that this government is serious about ending overfishing, and delivering the jobs and incomes that would come if our fish stocks recovered.
What’s also missing is a commitment to a ‘public money for public goods’ approach for our oceans, which could pay fishers for public goods including environmental protection, as farmers are.”
Kath Dalmeny, Sustain CEO Comments on the proposed Trade Bill "
Good Food Trade Campaign: Campaigning for good trade that benefits people and the planet at home and overseas.
The Green House
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London E2 9DA
020 3559 6777
Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.
© Sustain 2025
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