Mae'r Ymgyrch Bara Go Iawn wedi rhyddhau fersiwn Gymraeg o'i sicrwydd cipolwg o bobol i brynwr.
Mae'r Ymgyrch Bara Go Iawn wedi cyhoeddi fersiwn Gymraeg o'i nod sicrwydd hawdd-ei-weld gan y pobydd i'r prynwr.
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Cafodd y cynllun Nod Torth ei lansio yn 2011, ac mae’n helpu pobwyr Bara Go Iawn i roi sicrwydd gweledol i brynwyr nad oes unrhyw ychwanegion yn eu torthau. Ychwanegwyd nod tebyg ar gyfer surdoes yn 2020 a defnyddir hwn yn benodol ar gyfer Bara Go Iawn wedi’i lefeinio sy’n defnyddio meithriniad cychwyn byw yn unig.
Dywedodd Chris Young, cydlynydd yr Ymgyrch Bara Go Iawn: “Gofynnwyd i ni wneud hyn gryn amser yn ôl ond ni allai pobl gytuno ar y cyfieithiadau. Diolch i wasanaeth Helo Blod Llywodraeth Cymru, rydyn ni nawr yn hyderus y bydd y logos hyn o werth i bobyddion a siopwyr Cymraeg.”
Sut mae'n gweithio
Mae pobydd neu adwerthwr yn llofnodi cytundeb blynyddol y bydd ef/hi yn defnyddio’r logo Bara Go Iawn dim ond i hyrwyddo'r hyn y mae'r Ymgyrch yn ei alw'n Fara Go Iawn a’r logo Surdoes Go Iawn i hyrwyddo bara surdoes go iawn. Maen nhw’n arddangos y Nod Torth Bara Go Iawn naill ai ar ddeunydd pacio’r cynnyrch, ar labeli silffoedd neu wrth y man gwerthu.
Dan reolaeth yr elusen fwyd a ffermio Sustain, mae’r Ymgyrch Bara Go Iawn yn parhau i lobïo dros gael Deddf Crystyn Cywir (Honest Crust Act) i gyflwyno system well o labelu torthau a gwella’r deddfau marchnata. Y nod yw rhoi cyfle i siopwyr wneud dewisiadau mwy deallus am eu bwydydd a helpu i greu sefyllfa fwy cyfartal lle gall cwmnïau pobi bach ac annibynnol lleol ffynnu.
Yn y cyfamser, mae'r Ymgyrch yn annog pob pobydd ac adwerthwr bara i arddangos rhestrau llawn o gynhwysion (ac unrhyw ychwanegion a ddefnyddir) ar gyfer pob torth, hyd yn oed os nad oes gofyniad cyfreithiol i wneud hynny.
Gallwch chi weld ymhle i brynu Bara Go Iawn a chanfod popeth am yr Ymgyrch, gan gynnwys sut i gefnogi gwaith yr elusen, yn
The Real Bread Campaign has released a Welsh language version of its at-a-glance assurance from baker to buyer.
Launched in 2011, The Loaf Mark scheme helps Real Bread bakers give a visual assurance to shoppers that their loaves are made without additives. Its sourdough counterpart added in 2020 is reserved for Real Bread leavened only using a live starter culture.
Real Bread Campaign coordinator Chris Young said: “We were asked to do this quite a while ago but people couldn’t agree on the translations. Thanks to the Welsh Government’s Helo Blod service, we’re now confident these logos will be of value to Welsh speaking bakers and shoppers.”
How it works
A baker or retailer signs an annual agreement that they will only use The Loaf Mark to promote what the Campaign calls Real Bread and The Sourdough Loaf Mark to promote genuine sourdough bread. They display The Real Bread Loaf Mark either on product packaging, shelf labels or point of sale display.
Run by the food and farming charity Sustain, the Real Bread Campaign continues to lobby for an Honest Crust Act of improved loaf labelling and marketing laws The aim is to give shoppers the chance of making better-informed food choices and to help create a more level playing field on which small, independent, local bakeries can thrive.
In the meantime, the Campaign encourages all bakers and loaf retailers to display full lists of ingredients (and any additives used) for all loaves, even when not legally required to do so.
People can find places to buy Real Bread and all about the Campaign, including how to support the charity’s work, at
Real Bread Campaign: Finding and sharing ways to make bread better for us, better for our communities and better for the planet.
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA
020 3559 6777
Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.
© Sustain 2025
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