Policy support for gardens to be provided in new more dense developments to continue the green character of the city.
The adopted 2018 Cambridge Local Plan has policies to protect gardens and to ensure all residential development proposals provide outdoor amenity space. (Policies 52 and 68). The role of gardens in providing space for food growing is acknowledged.
A Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD [PDF, 5.5MB] was approved in 2020. The SPD provides additional technical guidance for developers on the implementation of the local plan policies. Food growing in new developments is given its own section, providing an explanation and a list of technical and practical considerations.
The SPD points out that new developments offer the opportunity to think more creatively about incorporating opportunities for food growing into design. This extends beyond conventional provision of gardens and allotments, such as the creative use of roofs, balconies, atriums and courtyards. It could also include the use of edible plants as part of the landscaping of new developments, rather than the use of ornamental trees and shrubs.
Planning Food Cities: Shaping the future of local areas to create a more sustainable and local food system.