Briefings for MPs on farming, fishing, food standards and trade

Sustain has written to all MPs to provide briefings on four major areas of policy. These topics are covered in a number of Defra and Department for International Trade white papers or command papers, expected shortly, or which are currently out for consultation. Bills are due to be brought before Parliament in this session.

Photo: SustainPhoto: Sustain

News Good Food Trade Campaign

Published: Monday 30 April 2018

These briefings have been developed in consultation with members of Sustain and other specialists. Sustain is a UK registered charity, operating as an alliance of around 100 national organisations promoting healthy, fair and sustainably produced food, for the benefit of everyone.

In appreciation of the very large volume of work and information relating to Brexit, we have endeavoured to be succinct. Should you require further information or support, please get in touch. The four short briefings are:

UK Agriculture policy

Responding to Defra’s current ‘Health and Harmony’ command paper: How we would like to see UK Agriculture policy develop – to help promote farm diversity, champion rural workers and communities; and to back the call for “public money for public goods”, including championing “public health as a public good”.

UK Fisheries policy

The UK Fisheries Bill white paper is due imminently – we want to help diverse UK fishers and coastal communities; to secure sustainably managed fisheries and marine ecosystems; and to build the market for sustainable British fish.

UK policy on trade in food

Trade discussions have already begun and the UK is free to strike deals in the Brexit implementation period, so mandates for our negotiators need to be set now. Sustain’s 10 red lines for UK trade in foodaim to ensure that British values of democracy, fair trading, good quality food, animal welfare, workers’ rights, consumer protection and public health are centre stage in UK trade policy. We want parameters for UK trade negotiators to be set transparently, with public and parliamentary scrutiny; and for parliament to get a vote on trade deals.

UK policy on food standards, especially in trade deals

The promise of trade deals offering ‘cheap food’ is alluring, but should the UK lower food standards to win trade deals? We argue for a balanced approach that provides ‘affordable food’ that is safe to eat and limits highly processed, sugary, fatty and salty foods that harm our health. We also want deals that return enough value to farmers and food producers to enable them to make a decent living, and to manage their workers, animals and land responsibly.

MPs and researchers can also sign up to the Sustain Brexit Forum monthly newsletter, or to our specialist Sustainable Farming Policy newsletter.

Good Food Trade Campaign: Campaigning for good trade that benefits people and the planet at home and overseas.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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