Crowdfunding success

Knead to Know…more backers help Real Bread Campaign smash target

Photo: Chris Young / CC-BY-SA 4.0Photo: Chris Young / CC-BY-SA 4.0

News Real Bread Campaign

Published: Wednesday 4 August 2021

We're celebrating at the Real Bread Campaign as more than 270 backers helped us to rise above not only our basic target of £3000 but also our stretch target of £10,000.* There were also some BIG doughnations paid straight into our account in July, taking the final total to more than £12,000! - see below for the full list.

Update: The book is due out in early November 2021. Copies will be posted to crowdfunders who selected it as a reward and it will also be available order from the Real Bread Campaign website.

What now?

The success means that not only will Sustain be able to publish Knead to Know...more as planned but the Campaign can also start our proposed Friends In Knead initiative. We'll be teaming up with organisations including Luminary Bakery and The School of Artisan Food to support budding community baking entrepreneurs who face extra hurdles in setting up their businesses.

In the meantime, we hope you're ready to get stuck into (or at least to help spread the word about) Sourdough September!

More chances to support us

Sustain receives no grant funding or sponsorship for its Real Bread work. Instead, the charity relies entirely on annual subscriptions, publication sales, doughnations and income from Real Bread gifts. Please:

Join the Real Bread Campaign

Make a doughnation

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Our backers

Writing the original edition of this book was funded by The Big Lottery’s Local Food Fund. The first print run of the 2021 edition was crowdfunded by more than 270 lovely backers. They included:

Bread Source, Two Magpies Bakery, The Welbeck Bakehouse  


Chris Brennan, Francis Cooper, Gerry Danby, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Matt Fountain, Nettie Francis, Anthony Golledge, Trevor Gulliver, Katia Lebart (Wee Boulangerie), Stephanie Mathern, Douglas Muir, Andrew Neagle (Anuna Craft Bakehouse), Dara O’hArtghaile, Redbournbury Watermill, Ben Reynolds, Gareth Roberts, Steven Rule, Eddy Sleiman,T. Wade.


Tom Baker, Stephen Barkley, Steve Bath, Jim Bennett, Paul Billyard, Paul Brennan, Chris Brownlow, Graham Capper, Helen Constantinou, Mary Cooper, Sam Cornish, Kath Dalmeny, James Doig, Catherine Drennan, Colin Fallon, Megan Fitzoliver,  Flour and Spoon Bakery, Duncan Glendinning, Tara Heron,  Jo's Loaves, John King, Christine Lindop,  Loaf Affair,  Loaf Bakery, Angela Lomax, Tim Marsden,  Mission Pizza, Aidan Monks, A and P Morgan, Keith Moscrop, Charlotte Nemeth,  Orkney Sourdough, Dr. Ian Parker, Emma Parkin, Cristina Schwarz, Susan Shaw, Robin Van Creveld, Colin Welch, Stephanie Young, Toby.


Jean Adams, Zakiya Andrews, Ma Baker, Ilgin Beaton, Pauline Beaumont, Kirsta Bebber, Lorna Black, Helen Blackburn, Holly Blake, Mary Boase, Gwen Boyle, Morgan Brown, Stephen Brown, Berry Buck, Jennifer Burgos, Patricia Butler, Dan Champion, Ada Cheong, Claire Chippendale, Valia Christidou, Simon Clark, Adrian Clarke, Robert Clayton, Ignazio Cogoni, Juliet Collis, Trevor Conner, Amanda Couch, Donald Coutts, Charlotte Crockford, Mark Crowther, Rhys Curwood, Raeoni Daly, Philippe Degand, George Derbyshire, Pamela Dilley, Sheila Dillon, Lee Dodge, Patrick Dunne, Hannah Dwane, Jessica Edmonds, John Evans, Juli Farkas, Alastair Farley, Matthew Farrand, Clare Fennell, Dylan Fitzgerald, Jackie Ann Floyd, Amy Ford, George Fuest, Julia Georgallis, Rémy Gernez, Mary Gibson, Michele Hanford, Toby Hardwick, Stephen Hargreaves, David Harries, Jill Harrison, Simon Harth, Anna Hartley, Hascombelad, Peter Hathaway, Melanie Hendry, Bryan Henesey, Andy Holbrook, Steven Hookham, Sarah Hooper, Phil Howe, Anna Humphreys, Sonya Hundal, Colin Jackson, Maricar Jagger, Tabatha James, Heather Jarman, Jackie Jenkins, Alison Jones, Priya Joshi, Sonia Juarez-Florencio, Martin Judd, Paul Kelly, Keith Kirby, Fermenti Kitchen, Netsvetaev Konstantin, Mary Lavelle, Justine Lees, David Lewis, Elizabeth Lieberman, Tim Little, Gordon Long, Susan Macdiarmid, Christopher Macfarlane, Anna Managò, Stefania Mandirola, Jane Marshall, Roberta Marshall, Chris Martin, Jay Matic, Noelle Mays, Carolyn McGill, Liberty Meltzer, Erica Moody, Ali Morecroft, Martin Naish, Tim Nash, Bruce Nicholls, Harry Nicolle, Barnaby Norman, Judy Ong, Orchard Hills Bakery, Ann Page, Richard Parker, Francesca Parry, Nicola Parsons, Simon Partridge, Catherine Paxton, Robert Penn, Carol Perry, Dan Pike, Hazel Pinto, Martin Powell, Sara Price, Tony Prudori, Janet Pye, Kati Rautanen, Paul Reynolds, Andrew Richards, Matthew Rideout, Ian Rimell, Geraint Roberts, Darrin Romp, Martin Rowland, Lydia Schofield, Ian Sheppard, Simon Smith, Gillian Snoxall, Derek Snoxall, Jonathan Speed-Andrews, Alison Stewart, Stoneham Bakehouse, Anne Stoye, Rachel Stretch, Bronwen Taylor, David Thalenberg, Maggie Thomas, Sam Tucker, Sophie Turigel, Catherine Vulliamy, Caroline Walsh, Sara Ward, Kathryn Warhurst, Amy Warman, Ian Waterland, Andrew Watts, Carole Wells, Tony Wetherall, Matt Wilding, Sarah Wisson, Greg Wixted, and Robert Wright.

Thanks to all of you, and the backers who asked to remain anonymous, for the dough to do it!

*We'll have to pay a few hundred quid in fees and VAT from this but the good news is that will be more than made up for by many backers ticking 'yes' to Gift Aid, meaning the UK government will match 25% of every £1 of those pledges. 

Real Bread Campaign: Finding and sharing ways to make bread better for us, better for our communities and better for the planet.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2025
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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