True Loaf issue 50 out now

Get the golden edition of the Real Bread Campaign magazine.

Seed to sandwich.. Copyright: Giovanni Di SarnoSeed to sandwich.. Copyright: Giovanni Di Sarno

News Real Bread Campaign

Published: Tuesday 5 April 2022

Features in this issue include:

  • Goodbye nightclub (hello country): Andy Cato on his Wildfarmed journey from musician to cereal farmer focussed on soil health.
  • Real Bread for all: How can Real Bread be made affordable for as many people as possible?  
  • Ambassador profile: Marcia Harris reveals the roots of her focus on family and community. 
  • Home truths: With his first book on the horizon, past Campaign ambassador Jack Sturgess explains his homebaking ethos and mission. 
  • Ceres of fortunate events: Craig Sams looks back half a century to the launch of his groundbreaking bakery. 
  • Tried and tested: Microbaker Ildiko Toth compares the two ovens she has used since launching her business. 

Fifty issues, eh? I flatter myself to think that your magazine looks good for its age. 

I’m proud that we’ve been able to keep True Loaf running for nearly a baker’s dozen years and thank our supporters for enabling Sustain to continue publishing it as part of our charity’s bready work. Without them (you? see below) we would’ve had to pack up after year four, which is when our initial Big Lottery Fund grant ended. Thank you also to all of the people who have volunteered their time, knowledge and skills to give you words and pictures to feast upon. Thanks to our advertisers who have chipped in along the way as well.

People are becoming more aware that not all loaves are created equal, Real Bread bakeries are popping up and thriving around the UK and beyond, and loaves pre-packed for direct sale now have to bear ingredients lists. 

At the same time, I’m disappointed and slightly embarrassed that the Real Bread Campaign still exists. After all, the aim of any self-respecting campaigner is to put themselves out of a job, by helping to bring about whatever they set out to achieve. Sadly, many of the issues we challenge today are the same as we were tackling back then. For example, issue 1 included a piece on proposals to add folic acid to UK milled flour, and another questioning the Federation of Bakers about undeclared additives. 

With our supporters' continuing help, the fight continues! 

Chris Young
Real Bread Campaign coordinator and True Loaf editor

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True Loaf is posted to Real Bread Campaign supporters in the UK, while all of our supporters worldwide can login to download it – and the entire back catalogue of issues - at any time.

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Our magazine, shout!
We want to help YOU be heard!

This is our open invitation to our supporters - and other people involved in the rise of Real Bread from seed to sandwich - around the world:

We want to help you to tell your stories, share your knowledge and air your views through True Loaf, our website and social media accounts.

Real Bread Campaign: The Real Bread Campaign finds and shares ways to make bread better for us, better for our communities and better for the planet. Whether your interest is local food, community-focussed small enterprises, honest labelling, therapeutic baking, or simply tasty toast, everyone is invited to become a Campaign supporter.

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Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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