Autumn Budget 2024 submission

In this Autumn Budget 2024 submission, we focus on considerations for the Treasury in four main areas: cost of living, health, education, environment and rural affairs.

Autumn Budget 2024 submission
12pp - 2024 | 283Kb


Reports Sustain

Published: Tuesday 17 September 2024

In cost of living and health, our submission includes recommendations to make the household support fund an ongoing fund and increase the value of the Healthy Start allowance. The Government should also build on the successes of the Soft Drinks Industry Levy and explore other potential financial levers that would incentivise further product reformulation and increase revenues for investment in children’s health. (See the more detailed submission from the Recipe for Change coalition).

In education, we want to see sustainable funding of healthy school food which would see a thriving school catering sector and a longer-term roadmap towards healthy, sustainable school food for all children from nursery to sixth form.

In environment and rural affairs, we would like to see the farming budget protected. It must be condidered a mission-critical resource for the environment, allocated toward long-term environmental targets to ensure the UK meets its EIP 2023 objectives and ensures long-term food security. We also recommend measures to ensure fairness in the supply chain including the expansion and reform of the Groceries Code Adjudicator; and call for the development of an Horticulture strategy and Lande-Use framework. We also want to see resource regulators so that river pollution from agriculture can be tackled.

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

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Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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