The fringe farming toolkit

The fringe farming toolkit is for growers, campaigners and food partnerships to start farming the fringes of towns & cities. It is made up of practical guides on accessing land, navigating the planning system and getting local support for agroecological food growing.

The fringe farming toolkit
47pp - 2023 | 1173Kb


Reports Fringe Farming

Published: Tuesday 26 September 2023

The Fringe Farming toolkit lays out practical steps and advice to help growers, aspiring growers, campaigners, food partnerships and local community groups wanting to progress either their own agroecological peri-urban market garden or the broader fringe farming movement. It should also be a handy resource for local and national authorities to boost the delivery of their economic, environmental, health, and food procurement strategies and objectives.

Each guide (or tool) of the toolkit addresses three key barriers:

  • Accessing land for agroecological food production
  • Understanding how the planning system works for fringe farms
  • Gaining local authority support for fringe farming

The toolkit is a joint effort between the Fringe Farming project and Sustainable Food Places, based on our experiences of working with food partnerships, with valuable input from pioneering consultants.


The fringe farming toolkit 1. Credit: Sustain The fringe farming toolkit 2. Credit: Sustain The fringe farming toolkit 3. Credit: Sustain
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The fringe farming toolkit 4. Credit: Sustain The fringe farming toolkit 5. Credit: Sustain  
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Fringe Farming: The Fringe Farming project is a collaboration with partners across the UK to understand barriers, identify land opportunities and local actions, and develop national policy to enable agroecological farming at the edge of cities as part of a green economic recovery.

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