New briefing on value of peri-urban food production across the UK

This new Fringe Farming briefing aimed at policy-makers and councils makes the case for growing food locally on smaller nature and climate friendly farms at the edges of our cities across the UK.

Tour of Cardiff Salad Garden during Cardiff Fringe Farming event. Credit: Aryo FeldmanTour of Cardiff Salad Garden during Cardiff Fringe Farming event. Credit: Aryo Feldman

News Fringe Farming

Published: Monday 6 November 2023

Growing food on urban fringes: a briefing for councils and landowners looks at the UK as a whole. It is targeted at policy-makers, council officers and practitioners interested in local food growing opportunities who want to understand the role peri-urban land can play in supporting a strong local food system. Using research and a local case study of Organiclea, it shows the economic, social and environmental benefits to peri-urban food production. It covers:  

  • Why we need to grow more food locally
  • Land access for peri-urban food growing 
  • The economic value of fringe farming

The new Fringe Farming Briefing is available to read now.

Download the briefing

For a deeper dive into these issues, you can explore our Fringe Farming report: peri-urban agroecology towards resilient food economies and public goods. 

Sustain are currently seeking landowners and councils who are interested in exploring new test peri-urban growing projects across the UK. 

If you are a grower or food partnership who wants to take action you can read our Fringe Farming toolkit for practical guidance or read our Fringe Farming blog on overcoming barriers to farming in urban fringes for more insight into some of the current challenges.  

Fringe Farming: The Fringe Farming project is a collaboration with partners across the UK to understand barriers, identify land opportunities and local actions, and develop national policy to enable agroecological farming at the edge of cities as part of a green economic recovery.

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Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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