Is UK policy a friend or foe for agroecology? Fringe Farming as a case study

Is UK policy a friend or foe for agroecology? is a new briefing that summarises whether and how Government policies can be used to help the agroecology movement. An overview of the Fringe Farming project’s relationship with local and national policies makes clear that support is lacking, which would otherwise have the potential to support the practice and spread of agroecology for food systems transformation.

Is UK policy a friend or foe for agroecology? Fringe Farming as a case study
2023 | 194Kb


Reports Fringe Farming

Published: Monday 18 September 2023

Agroecology as a fringe food and farming movement in the UK is largely made up of a relatively small group of pioneering farmers, advisors and campaigners that are making microscale changes, while aiming for large-scale and system change.

A strong UK Government vision and plan that is delivered by coherent policies is needed for the agroecology movement to have a sure footing.

The activities and richness of learning in the Fringe Farming project – as a case study – have shown how local and national government policies have the potential to support the practice and spread of agroecology for food systems transformation.

Nonetheless, they have also showed how policies are lagging and so the project continues to work towards closing this gap.

Fringe Farming: The Fringe Farming project is a collaboration with partners across the UK to understand barriers, identify land opportunities and local actions, and develop national policy to enable agroecological farming at the edge of cities as part of a green economic recovery.

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