Reduce single use plastic in travel industry

Sustain member City to Sea launch a campaign to reduce single-use plastic in the travel industry and make it easier for consumers to switch to reusable or refillable alternatives.

Campaign image from City to SeaCampaign image from City to Sea

News Climate Change and Nature

Published: Sunday 1 September 2019

Holidaymakers cause a 40% surge in marine litter entering the Mediterranean. 980 tonnes of mini-plastic shampoo bottles are being dumped by British holiday makers abroad each year - the equivalent to two-and-a-half Boeing 747s.

In addition, travel is a key factor to people buying bottled water - 42% of people who use reusable water bottles normally buy bottled water at the airport. 36% when at service stations and 29% when travelling by train and bus.

City to Sea want to prevent millions of single-use plastic products from being used by holiday makers. They have launched a 38 Degrees petition calling on the top 5 UK retailers to provide consumers with choice and make sure they can find and buy plastic-free products. And, through the Refill campaign they want to connect people to free drinking water and make it accessible at every stage of our travel journey.

City to Sea's top tips for less plastic:

  1. Pack a water bottle
  2. Refill at the airport
  3. Say no to travel miniatures
  4. Don't use hotel toiletries
  5. Say no to plastic straws

Climate Change and Nature: Sustain has taken a keen interest in the rapidly accumulating evidence about the effect of food and farming on climate change and nature, as scientific evidence emerges that our food system is a very significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss.

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