SUGAR SMART Bristol celebrates a successful first year

One year on, the SUGAR SMART Bristol campaign shares their journey from strength to strength with a new infographic, and considers the next steps ahead.

News Sugar Smart UK

Published: Monday 23 October 2017

SUGAR SMART Bristol has produced a visual timeline of their first year working with partners across sectors to tackle sugar overconsumption in the city. The infographic highlights just some of the successes along the way, and shows what can be done when people get creative and work in partnership to make these salient messages go further.

The new infographic and the great work of the SUGAR SMART Bristol campaign were highlighted as citywide achievements to be proud of in Bristol Mayor's annual speech. Mayor Marvin Rees said: 

During our year as European City of Sport the SUGAR SMART campaign has helped to unite many different organisations and raise awareness about what’s in our food. 

Eating healthily and being active go hand in hand and we should be proud of what we’ve achieved together so far. However, this journey is a long one and there are no quick fixes so we must continue our partnerships to make a difference that last.

Fi Argent, Ambassador for Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and one of the team behind the Bristol campaign reflected on the many achievements of the campaign, which were made possible by a desire to work together on the shared agenda of making Bristol a healthier, happier city. Highlights included a lauch with the Bristol Sport & Communty Foundation, a campus-wide University of West England campaign, Bristol Water's free Water Bars at public events, and the inclusion of SUGAR SMART actions in the Bristol Eating Better Awards. But a key moment for the campaigner came from a personal connection:

My highlight this year was teaching 74-year-old Joe to cook from scratch for the first time and seeing his deep sense of enjoyment and achievement. Joe came to Jamie’s teaching kitchen with Bristol Sport’s Spectrum Project.

So what's next for SUGAR SMART Bristol? With the launch of their Thirsty Eyes campaign, they are setting their sights on the younger generation. Alongside their social media camapign to engage with teenagers on the issue of sugar overconsumption, they are also working to educate thousands of reception and Year 6 children through the National Child Measurement Programme. So watch this space!

SUGAR SMART is run by Sustain and Jamie Oliver, and is the feature campaign of the UK Sustainable Food Cities network until mid-2018.

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