New Regional Food Hubs Support Programme open

Applications are open for a new Regional Food Hubs Support Programme run by Better Food Traders, targeting supply chain hubs in their start up phase or looking to scale up operations. Apply by Friday 22 November for a chance to take part in the programme, kicking off early 2025.

Better Food Shed. Credit: Better Food ShedBetter Food Shed. Credit: Better Food Shed

News Local Food Plan

Published: Tuesday 5 November 2024

This exciting new programme aims to grow regional Food Hubs*, which are critical for creating the local, agroecological food system we want to see. The importance of infrastructure such as food hubs, has recently been recognised in the Local Food Plan aiming for sector growth, led by Sustain and LWA. This new support programme is filling a crucial gap in sector-specific support to help ensure their success. 

To deliver this vital next step to help Regional Food Hubs and grow routes to market for agroecological produce, Better Food Traders have teamed up with Sustain, the Soil Association and Growing Communities to run a 12-month programme of sector-specific training, peer-learning and bespoke business advice for Regional Food Hub staff. The programme is funded by Farming the Future from January to December 2025.

Access simple form and apply by 22 November

Who can apply?

  • Hubs in the start-up phase (recently started trading or with an ambition to commence trading in 2025).
  • More established hubs looking to scale-up their business and operations.
  • Hubs that are currently only operating as B2C but are looking to build in an element of B2B/B2G trading will also be considered.

Further programme info is available via Better Food Traders.

If you missed the Programme Launch and Info Session, you can access the session presentation and Q&A.

The programme will include:

  • Monthly online peer-learning sessions (1.5-2hrs) 
  • 10-12 online webinars, with the syllabus co-created by participants (1.5-2hrs)
  • 1:1 bespoke business support session with Julie Brown, Director of Growing Communities
  • Participants matched as ‘Accountability Partners’, to build connections and peer support across the cohort. 

Building knowledge for the sector

To capture learning and to identify factors that determine success, webinar and peer learning session will be attended by an ‘observer’ who has a role relevant to food hubs at the policy, research or programme level. The observers will build a Lessons Learned document to capture broader observations and learnings, helping to inform the Sustainable Food Places programme and further thinking on policy, funding and practical support. If you are interested in becoming an observer email the Sustain team.

Apply now

If you run a Regional Food Hub, apply to join the programme by filling in the application form. And if you know an eligible enterprise in your area, please pass this on to the relevant people. If you have any questions, please contact the Programme lead

* For the purposes of this programme we define a Regional Food Hub as: ‘An organisation providing physical and digital infrastructure to enable locally-produced food to be sold to other businesses and/or public bodies’.

Local Food Plan: Creating a plan to grow the local food sector 10x by 2030.

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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