Credit: Somerset County Council
Somerset County Council officially launched their Sugar Smart campaign in January 2020 at an event attended by David Fothergill, the Council Leader, Sustain’s Fran Bernhardt, and representatives from several local schools and organisations.
Credit: Somerset County Council
The council are encouraging schools, businesses and individuals in the county to get ‘Sugar Smart’.
Somerset County Council is putting extra focus on primary and secondary schools to ensure as many county children and families take part in the campaign.
Their whole school approach to tackling sugar includes:
Cllr Christine Lawrence, cabinet member for public health and wellbeing, said:
“Most of us eat too much sugar. It’s surprising how much sugar is lurking in everyday food and drink. But there are simple ways to make changes such as swapping sweet drinks for water or milk, snacking on fruit and veg and leaving sugary treats out of the lunchbox.
Small changes can make a big difference and I would encourage our schools, residents and organisations in Somerset to sign up and become Sugar Smart.”
If you're interested in running a Sugar Smart campaign in your local area, check out our website to find out more.
Sugar Smart is a campaign run by Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming. Sugar Smart is one of the featured campaigns in the UK's Sustainable Food Cities network.
Sugar Smart UK: Want your local area to become Sugar Smart?
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Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.
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