It’s time to make toast, not waste

Today, Love Food Hate Waste launches a four-week campaign to help people stop their loaf leftovers in the bread bin ending up in the bin bin.

Courtesy of Love Food Hate WasteCourtesy of Love Food Hate Waste

News Real Bread Campaign

Published: Monday 12 March 2018

Every day, British households throw away something like 24 million slices of products generally categorised as bread.*

As toast is one of the best ways of enjoying leftover bread (and also for giving stale industrial loaves a stay of execution) Love Food Hate Waste will be posting toast topping ideas on its social media channels and inviting everyone to take and post photos of the favourite toppings.

You can share your photos with LFHW on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook using the hashtags #MakeToastNotWaste and #foodwaste

If it's an artificial additive free slice you’re toasting, please share with @RealBread / @RealBreadCampaign using the #RealBread hashtag as well.

Bread not binned
Beyond toast, the Real Bread Campaign has more food waste prevention tips on its website for slowing staling and storing bread at home.

The site also includes leftovers recipes, with more in the book Slow Dough: Real Bread.

When it comes to the professionals, stopping surplus from being wasted is great but the Real Bread Campaign encourages all bakeries to look at how they can minimise the leftovers they generate in the first place. No Loaf Lost is the free, dough saving guide to surplus reduction for SME bakeries.

The Real Bread Campaign is a Courtauld 2025 Engagement Partner.

*The Real Bread Campaign believes that most, if not all of these discarded slices are from industrial loaves, rather than bread...which most people value too much to waste.

Real Bread Campaign: The Real Bread Campaign finds and shares ways to make bread better for us, better for our communities and better for the planet. Whether your interest is local food, community-focussed small enterprises, honest labelling, therapeutic baking, or simply tasty toast, everyone is invited to become a Campaign supporter.

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