Applying for a job at Sustain? Read our employment policies

If you are considering applying for a job at Sustain, you might want to read more about our employment policies and practices. As an organisation working for social change, Sustain strives to be a welcoming, inclusive and ethical employer. This page links to relevant documents, for information. If there's something else you want to know, please get in touch:

Flexible working and working from home

Sustain's policy on Flexible Working
 Download 730kb PDF (updated July 2021)

Sustain's approach to working remotely or from home
Roles are usually office-based in Cambridge Heath, London. Sustain offers working remotely or from home up to half of working hours, on request and subject to agreement after probation. 

Diversity and equal opportunities

Sustain's approach to recruiting for diversity
See our web page here

Sustain’s commitment to tackling racial injustice in the food system
Annual progress report on Sustain’s work to improve diversity, equalities and inclusion, and to promote racial justice 
 Link to publication download page (published December 2021)
 Link to publication download page (published May 2023)

Sustain's policy on Pay Ratios
 Download 709kb PDF (introduced 2018, monitored annually)

Note: Sustain is an accredited Living Wage Employer, guaranteeing to pay at or above the Living Wage (nationally) or London Living Wage (in London), as calculated by the Living Wage Foundation

Sustain's policy on Equal Opportunities 
 Download 188kb PDF (updated July 2021)

Some of our other employment policies

Sustain's parental policies
 Maternity leave, download 277kb PDF (updated August 2020)
 Adoption policy, download 290kb PDF (updated May 2021)
 Paternity leave, download 640kb PDF (updated May 2021)
 Parental leave, download 463kb PDF (updated May 2021)
 Shared parental leave, download 568kb PDF (updated May 2021)

Sustain's statement on Mental Health
 Download 660kb PDF (updated April 2020)

Sustain's Mental Health Policy
 Download 575kb PDF (updated June 2021)

Sustain's policy on working with volunteers
 Download 789kb PDF (updated April 2020)

Making time for climate, nature and social justice (volunteering days)
Sustain offers ‘volunteering days’ for staff to take a day out of the office, to participate in some form of climate, nature or social justice activity.
 Download 624kb PDF (adopted January 2020)

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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