Home from Hospital: access to food at hospital discharge and beyond

WebinarWednesday 16 March 2022 • 14:0015:00

At this event we launched a new Home from Hospital guide, exploring how we can make sure people can access food after discharge from hospital.

Food is one of the many joys of life. It brings friends, families and communities together, it creates jobs and it sustains and heals us during times of need. Yet one of the key challenges people face when returning home is access to food so given the critical role it plays for our health, food should be a key consideration when planning for someone’s discharge.

This event marked the launch of Home from hospital: Ensuring people have access to food at discharge from hospital and beyond. The guide highlights the importance of this issue and presents good practice case studies from around the country. This event featured a summary of the guide and speakers from some of the case study areas in the report.


14.00 - Welcome

14.05 - Introducing the guide - Simon Shaw CF, Sustain

14.15 - Sharing practice from around the country:

  • Brenda Black RD, Chief Executive Officer, Edinburgh Community Food
  • Vicky Shepherd, Chief Executive, Age UK Blackburn with Darwen
  • Corrina O’Flaherty Seddon, Community Navigator Senior Coordinator – Volunteering & Outreach, Care Network Cambridgeshire
  • Lucy Peyton, Chief Operating Officer, Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

14.45 - Q&A

14.50 - Closing thoughts

15.00 - Event ends


With thanks to the Churchill Fellowship and the Rank Foundation for supporting this project.

Older People’s Food Campaign: Meals on wheels services support thousands of older people every day to stay independent in their own homes and enrich their lives.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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