Capital Growth: What we learned while creating 2,012 new community food growing spaces in London

This publication summarises what we learned, and provides other sources of information, so that towns and cities that also want to create large numbers of green and productive spaces can take some short cuts.

Capital Growth: What we learned while creating 2,012 new community food growing spaces in London
978 1 903060 57 5 - 20pp - 2013 | 4098Kb


Reports Capital Growth

Published: Tuesday 2 July 2013


Money (and help in-kind)
Small pots of money can go a long way
Have good systems to monitor the money
Think about how you can use sponsorship to supplement 
the cash

Work with organisations that have land, and an interest
Large landowners can be risk adverse
Don’t be put off by legal or health and safety jargon

Attracting volunteers
Set a clear and ambitious target
Keep a high profile
Attract a variety of different groups of volunteers
Some businesses will provide volunteers

Running the network
Communication - keep it simple
Respond to local demand - food growing training in London
Provide site support visits
Create the feeling of being a movement

The back office
Develop a system suitable for your scale
Have systems to keep your database up to date
Design a good FAQs section on your website
Develop robust but simple monitoring and evaluation

Working with other organisations
Find ways to link with other people’s priorities
Don’t try and do this alone
Tips for working with large numbers and/or diverse groups
Make sure your advisory group works

Links with government policy
Seize opportunities
Refine your political skills
Work with officials

Some other sources of useful information not already mentioned 

Capital Growth: We believe everyone should have the opportunity to grow food as part of a healthy, resilient food system and we are working with our network of growers in London to make this happen.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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