Archived project

Please note that the content on this page has been archived and is not actively reviewed at present.


  • August: Second Organic Action Plan launched by Defra


  • July : Action Plan to develop organic food and farming in England published
  • January 23 - Westminster Central Hall. Rally and lobby of Parliament


  • Aug 28 - Organic Action Plan launched
  • Aug 13 - Sustain and Soil Association release 'Organic food and farming: myth and reality' report
  • July 2 - Co-op releases "Green and pleasant land" report which pledges the Co-op's full backing for the Organic Food and Farming Targets Bill.
  • May - Labour Party releases its manifesto, which despite the present farming crisis fails to support organic farmers.
  • March 26 - Soil Association Organic Food and Farming Report Launch at International Food Exhibition
  • Jan 24 - Agriculture Committee report released which backs an action plan for the organic farming sector


  • Dec - Ballot for Private members bills likely to take place. Campaign supporters to write to MPs in the top 10, asking them to take up the Bill in the ballot.
  • 29 Nov - 3 Dec - BBC Good Food Show (0870 264 5555)
  • Oct - Nov - Oral evidence sessions on inquiry into organic farming by Agriculture Select Committee
  • Sept 24 – Labour Party Conference.
  • Sept 20 – Scottish National Party & Plaid Cymru Party Conference.
  • Sept 17 – Liberal Democrat Party Conference.
  • July 28 –30 – Organic Food and Wine Festival.
  • July 21 - Bill fails its Second Reading as it runs out of time
  • July 5 - Adjournment debate on organic food and farming in the House of Commons discusses Organic Targets Bill
  • July 3 – Royal Agricultural Show.
  • June 17-24 - Friends of the Earth Real Food Week.
  • May 26 – June 5 – Whitsun Parliamentary recess.
  • May 20 - Elm Farm Research Centre Open Day.
  • May onwards - postcard campaign targeting MPs.
  • May 5 – The Bill's Second Reading fails due to lack of time, but a new date is set.
  • April continuing – Over 60 organisations sign up to the Bill, including environmental and health charities, trades unions, research organisations and supermarkets.
  • March 3 – The Bill is put forward for its Second Reading, backed by over 200 MPs. It does not take place as time runs out, but a new date is set.
  • Feb 1 – Tony Blair, speaking at the National Farmers Union AGM, calls for a trebling of organic production by 2006 – the first sign of a Government commitment to targets.
  • Jan – Presentations by Steering Group and Robin Harper MSP to Scottish MSPs leads to formation of Scottish Campaign.


  • Dec– Steering Group of the Organic Targets Bill campaign contact MPs to encourage them to sign the EDM.
  • Nov – Joan Ruddock MP tables Early Day Motion (EDM) in support of the Bill.
  • Nov – Paul Tyler MP adopts Bill after he is drawn in the ballot.
  • Oct 19th 1999– Organic Food & Farming Targets Bill launched.
  • Oct 26 – Bill presented to House of Commons.
  • Oct 23 - MPs back from recess, re-table Early Day Motion. The number of the EDM will change
  • Oct 21 - Apple Day, Targets Bill Days of Action (
  • Oct 19-20 - Food Safety in Europe Conference (
  • Oct 16 – UN World Food Day
  • Oct 7/8 - Potato Day at HDRA.
  • Oct 6 – 8 - Pesticides Action Network European Conference, including workshop on organic targets, Bonn
  • Oct 3 - Fringe Question Time event 'Organics: the future of farming?' 6-7.45pm, De Vere Suite, Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth
  • Oct 2 – Conservative Party Conference
  • Oct 1999 - Soil Association Organic Harvest Month

Organic Sector Development: We are helping to bring the organic message to the UK consumer with the Organic. Naturally Different campaign.

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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

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