Sustain has published its annual report and sets out progress on key initiatives, highlights of the year and what we are achieving together, working in alliance. This news item also shares key outcomes from Sustain's AGM.
Read the Sustain annual report, containing a detailed account of Sustain’s work, plus our Audited Accounts, covers the year April 2023 to March 2024.
This year, we have been increasingly concerned that such a large number of fellow citizens are struggling to afford the costs of food, let alone a healthy diet. This is contributing to health inequalities and undermines our goal of an equitable food system. It also makes sustainable farming less economically viable.
In this context, our work on the Bridging the Gap, Say Yes and Recipe for Change programmes are ever more relevant and promising.
Bridging the Gap seeks to demonstrate how climate- and nature-friendly food can be made affordable and accessible to people on lower incomes, piloting approaches that use vouchers, public procurement and other mechanisms to bridge the gap in price and make sustainable farming more attractive and profitable.
Recipe for Change builds on our alliance’s success in winning the landmark sugary drinks tax, seeking to extend this approach to products high in fat, salt or sugar, to ensure that food prices reflect the true cost of food and raise much-needed funds to pay for community food programmes, affordable sustainable food and health promotion.
Meanwhile, we were proud to see so many young people and parents joining the Children’s Food Campaign in taking the message to parliament that we must all Say Yes to School Food for All as a fundamental investment in young people, whilst the Mayor of London (with our support) and other local authorities across the country, continued to roll out free school meals for all primary school children.
The latter part of year was dominated by preparations for the forthcoming local elections and General Election, with Sustain colleagues and alliance members making strenuous efforts to get healthy, equitable and sustainable food and farming into party manifestos and local food strategy agendas. We ran or co-hosted several well-attended events at party conferences across the political spectrum, including sessions on public support and finances for sustainable farming, and how to prevent intensive and damaging livestock farming from proliferating through climate-friendly planning control. We also engaged with over 50 MPs at the Sustainable Food Places day of celebration and action in parliament.
Such game-changing initiatives set the scene for Sustain’s five-year strategy review. We will be asking Sustain alliance members for their views and hope this year’s impressive Annual Report will provide inspiration for what should be our shared priorities in the five-year period to 2030.
Key outcomes from Sustain's AGM business process in November 2024 (conducted electronically) are as follows:
Read the Sustain annual report
Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA
020 3559 6777
Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.
© Sustain 2025
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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