Is your bakery the hearth of your community?

Finding and promoting bakeries running community oven sessions.

Communal oven in Morocco. Credit: travelwayoflife cc-by-sa-2.0Communal oven in Morocco. Credit: travelwayoflife cc-by-sa-2.0

News Real Bread Campaign

Published: Wednesday 23 November 2022

Community (AKA communal or common) ovens used to be, well, common. In some parts of the world they still are.

As the cost-of-everything-crisis bites ever harder, the Real Bread Campaign is working to encourage and promote bakeries inviting people in to use their ovens when the bakers aren’t, perhaps for free, perhaps for a nominal fee or suggested donation.

Below you’ll find those that have started doing so regularly.

If you run a regular community oven initiative and want us to add it to the list below, please email the details to

(If you’re running a trial / one-off session, please feel free to add the details to our calendar yourself instead)

Hackney Wick, London. Monthly from Monday 12th December 2022, 4pm-8pm.

The People's Oven is a pay-what-you-can, drop in access to our bakery’s ovens, a warm calm space, a hot drink and cooking advice. Our suggested donation is £10 but we are grateful for whatever you can afford. It's open to anyone from homebakers who want to try out their bread skills in a deck oven, local boaties on the river Lea, to people who would like to batch cook in our ovens and save on electricity bills at home.

Bring dishes to finish in our ovens, or if you would like to prepare here then bring all the ingredients and we can lend you the equipment. Chef, baker and Hearth founder, Maisie Collins, will be on-site to offer advice. Remember to bring containers to take your cooked food home in.

To book one of the limited spaces, send a message through the website, DM on Insta or drop by the shop during opening hours. @hearthbakeryhw

Brixton Windmill
Brixton, London. Every Wednesday from 25 January to March 2023, 12-3pm

Warm Space and Shared Oven News

"Thanks to funding from Lambeth Council we'll be opening up as a warm space and shared oven. We'll be offering up a warm welcoming space, hot drinks and use of our oven on a first come, first served basis. This is open to anyone - home bakers or batch cookers wanting to save on energy at home. On some days we'll also have a volunteer baker here to offer up tips and advice." @brixtonwindmill

See also

Are you making Real Bread for All?

Real Bread Campaign: Finding and sharing ways to make bread better for us, our communities and planet.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

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