How can the Government’s new National Food Strategy deliver on our shared aims?

Food, farming and fishing policy have never been higher on the national agenda, since the birth of the Sustain alliance in 1999. Three months before Brexit, and almost on the eve of Sustain’s 20th anniversary year, join us for an investigation of how the Government’s promised new National Food Strategy can deliver on our shared aims. Held at London's Canal Museum, 12 December. Book your place now.

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News Sustainable Farming Campaign

Published: Wednesday 28 November 2018

  • Date and venue: 12th December at the Canal Museum north of King's Cross - Sustain AGM (6pm), with the Annual Gathering discussion on the National Food Strategy following (7pm) 
  • Format: Speakers, considered responses from across the Sustain membership and discussion. Then a chance for drinks, sustainable nibbles and networking.
  • Booking Essential: free for Sustain members.

Brexit and the new UK Agriculture Bill, Fisheries Bills and trade policy have understandably been dominating our collective attentions. Yet Defra Secretary of State Michael Gove has also made some tantalising references to development of a National Food Strategy, which has as yet received scant policy or media attention. If such a process happens, it would be the first UK Food Strategy since the end of World War II. Those in the Sustain alliance with good memories will recall an earlier government’s Food Matters policy process, with decent consultation and analysis, that resulted in a useful document, which never quite ‘got there’ in the end, despite the promising subtitle: ‘Towards a food strategy’.

“The purpose of the proposed National Food Strategy will be to build on the work already underway in the Agriculture Bill, the Environment Bill, the Fisheries Bill, and the Childhood Obesity Plan to create an overarching, integrated food strategy for government. My intention is to ensure that our food system delivers healthy and affordable food for all people; restores and enhances the environment for the next generation; is robust in the face of future challenges and is built upon a resilient and sustainable agriculture sector.”
Defra Secretary of State Michael Gove, to Neil Parish, chair EFRA committee, October 2018

Sustain’s Annual Gathering will examine: What can we learn from other Government plans in recent years about what is achievable? How much clout could such a strategy have? Can it balance a broad remit and focused meaningful action, to create a food system that is: healthy and affordable food for all people; tackles climate change; restores and enhance the environment for the next generation; is robust in the face of future challenges; is built upon resilient and sustainable agriculture and fisheries sectors; and creates an overarching, integrated food strategy for the UK?

We will hear from special guests and Sustain members on their experience and views on what is achievable and what is needed. The event is open to Sustain members and a wider audience.

The discussion will finish at about 8.30pm. Stay on for an opportunity to meet, mingle, exchange views and information, and enjoy sustainable drinks and nibbles in the delightful Canal Museum venue, just north of King’s Cross and Euston stations in North London. Please do join us!

Book now

Sustainable Farming Campaign: Sustain encourages integration of sustainable food and farming into local, regional and national government policies.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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