Join us at the London Food Link Spring Do

Celebrate the spring at this season's London Food Link social, taking place at Sodo Pizza in Bethnal Green on Tuesday 4 June.


News Jellied Eel

Published: Wednesday 1 May 2019

This season you’ll be arriving to a refreshing welcome cocktail of London gin from the East London Liquor Company, accompanied by Dalston's squeezed elderflower soda from the Welsh borders and Herefordshire ‘blush’ rhubarb soda. After you’ve quenched your thirst it’ll be time to hear from some of London’s finest foodies, including some of this year’s Women in Food Award winners.

Count me in

You’ll then have chance to chat with other people who grow, make, cook, sell, forage, save, and campaign for good food in London, all over delicious, sourdough pizza from our heritage grain hosts Sodo Pizza and salads from Growing Communities.

As well as your chance to network with other good food folk, the event helps to raise money for the work of London Food Link, part of the food and farming charity, Sustain. Anyone interested in good food is welcome.

Earlybird tickets are available until the 12 May at £15 (£10 for LFL Supporters), after this tickets are £25 (£15 for Supporters), this includes the welcome drink (gin cocktail, London beer or soft drink) and delicious food from Sodo Pizza.

If you’re a supporter, check your emails for the discount code, and if not, why not? Join us!

Book your tickets on Eventbrite now


If you would like to stand up and talk about what you do, (whether asking for help or simply giving your trumpet a well-deserved blow) please say so when booking your place, though we can’t guarantee we’ll squeeze you all in.

Jellied Eel: With more than 50,000 readers, The Jellied Eel is the magazine for ethical eating in the capital. Published by Sustain's London Food Link to celebrate the best of London's local larder, each issue showcases the people and projects helping to put good food on the table. Annual subscription starts from less than £2 a month.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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