Real Bread Campaign complaint leads to health and eco claims removal

AB Mauri pulls Pure ProGrains propaganda after ad watchdog intervention.

Claims removed. Credit: AB Mauri (fair usage)Claims removed. Credit: AB Mauri (fair usage)

News Real Bread Campaign

Published: Wednesday 29 March 2023

On 28 March 2023, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) advised that, in response to a complaint from the Real Bread Campaign, it had issued guidance to AB Mauri regarding claims the company made about its PureCraft Pure ProGrains range of baked product mixes.

An ASA senior complaints executive wrote: “In relation to the health and nutrition claims, on this occasion, having taken our prioritisation principles into account, we have decided to resolve your complaint through the provision of advice. Therefore, we have explained your concerns to the advertiser and provided them with guidance on how to ensure that their advertising complies with the Codes.”

Health and nutrition claims removed

As at 29 March 2023, AB Mauri had removed all promotion of the products from its PureCraft website, replacing more than 1000 words of advertising copy with the with a single line: ‘Watch this space for updates on our exciting new Pure ProGrains range.’

Real Bread Campaign coordinator Chris Young said: “We are satisfied that the ASA has taken action in this case. We trust that the guidance they have issued will ensure that neither small, independent bakers or their customers will be misled as a result of any future marketing by AB Mauri of Pure ProGrains or any other products.’


In relation to other claims made about the range, the ASA stated: “As you may know the ASA is running a Climate Change and the Environment project which is focussing on how we regulate environmental claims in several priority areas. You can read a general overview of the project here, and this statement outlines the areas that we’re currently focussing on. Your concerns about any environmental claims being made by Pure Craft relate to one of these key areas, so whilst this work is ongoing we will not be taking your individual complaint forward at this time. This will instead feed into this work and will form the basis of useful intelligence for the project.”

Young responded: “The food and farming charity Sustain, which includes the Real Bread Campaign, advocates food and farming that is better for people, animals and our planet. As well as championing the good, we challenge obstacles to improvement and are keen that people should not be misled by greenwashing. The Real Bread Campaign welcomes the ASA focusing on these issues and feeding the Pure ProGrains case into development of new regulation.”

See also

Ad watchdog responds to sourfaux code

Real Bread Campaign: Finding and sharing ways to make bread better for us, our communities and planet.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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