Iain Duncan Smith wants to play Donald Trump with our food standards

In response to today's article in The Telegraph on 'cutting red tape', Sustain's Chief Executive, Kath Dalmeny, submitted the following letter.

Kath Dalmeny commented, "Is it a “burden” for parents to feed their babies with milk that they can feel confident is free from toxic melamine? Is it a “burden” for UK citizens to know that they have the legal right to be consulted on planning applications? Is it a “burden” for imported meat to be inspected as safe and free from contamination and horsemeat? It is far too easy for Iain Duncan Smith to dismiss sensible European legislation, institutions and conventions that offer us such protections (and  which the UK has itself contributed to and championed over the decades) as a 'burden' and 'unnecessary red tape'."

"Unfortunately, IDS displays exactly the standards-scything instincts that make a Henry VIII clause in the Great Repeal Bill such an unpalatable prospect. Given such scything executive powers, I can see IDS in future playing Donald Trump with a gold fountain pen, striking out standards and protections that we hold dear, without democratic scrutiny, and spinning it misleadingly as “cutting the price of food”. The British public voted for Brexit, but they did not vote for unsafe food and environmental damage. That would be a price too high to pay. The Great Repeal Bill must robustly support the high food, farming and fishing standards that we all hold dear."

In response to: Cut the EU red tape choking Britain after Brexit to set the country free from the shackles of Brussels, published in the Telegraph, 27th March 2017.

Good Food Trade Campaign: Campaigning for good trade that benefits people and the planet at home and overseas.

The Green House
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020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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