New report highlights the potential role of gardening for health services

A new report by The King’s Fund has called for the NHS and health and wellbeing boards "to make more of the diverse health benefits of gardening in support of their priorities".

The report, commissioned by the National Gardens Service, collates and summarises the evidence on the impact of gardens on wellbeing across the life-course, from childhood through family life and into older age, and includes case studies from Sustain and Garden Organic's Growing Health project.

It also includes a ‘menu’ of recommendations, including that  social prescribing projects should include gardening, growing and wider activities among the list of opportunities for patients.

Download the full report here


Growing Health: Growing Health is a national project run by Garden Organic and Sustain, which is funded by the Tudor Trust, to see how community food growing can be routinely used by the health and social care services as a way of promoting health and wellbeing for a range of individuals and population groups.

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