People with diabetes want all companies to use same clear food labelling

A survey by Diabetes UK found that 73% of respondents want cafes, restaurants and takeaways to use traffic light labelling.

Diabetes UK, who are a member of Sustain, asked 7,406 people in their Future of Diabetes survey about what would help manage their diabetes. Overwhelmingly clear traffic light food labelling came out as a top priority.

Helen Dickens, Assistant Director of Campaigns and Mobilisation, at Diabetes UK say that they are now

“calling for the government to introduce mandatory traffic-light labelling, and to make it compulsory for restaurants, cafes and takeaways to clearly display the calorie information on their menus. The British public overwhelmingly support this move, so we look to the government today to demonstrate commitment to the health of the nation by implementing these measures.”

Diabetes UK want the government to introduce:

  • Calories labelled on menus in key high street restaurants, cafes and takeaways, with carb content available online or when you ask for it in store.
  • Carbohydrates labelled on the back of products, per portion and as prepared.
  • Front-of-pack traffic light labelling used on all pre-packaged foods sold in the UK.

You can sign their petition asking for the government to listen to Diabetes UK’s demands.

Food Facts: A series of short reports on over a dozen different products, shows how people's shopping choices - as well as government policy - can protect the environment, enhance social justice and improve health.

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020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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